Tuesday, August 12, 2014

How to work with your Angels

You can work with any angel, at any time, and with how ever many you wish. Does not matter, they are always there and waiting, you just need to learn to call upon them. I have listed below a quick reference. By calling on a specific angel, for a specific task, you’ll achieve greater results.
Does this make one angel better over the other?
NO, they each have a specialty, and if you were drawn to a specific card, know that your angels are with you and you will benefit working with these ones specifically due to the current circumstances in your life.
When working with your angels, I’ve included some simple steps to get the ball going.
Chant the name of the angel repeatedly you want to invoke until you feel a sudden shift in the physical body, many signs include tingly, prickly, sensitive to sounds, slight temperature changes or tightness in your head. Once you feel them with you, acknowledge the angels gift and ask that they bestow their eternal knowledge and guidance upon you in a way that will be beneficial for you.  Ask that they visit your dreams and deliver clear messages that you will be readily available to accept and understand.
With love and light, I call upon Angel ____________ .
I KNOW you are the angel who can help me with ________ and I ask that you help me now clear away negative blocks in my life so that I can see and hear you clearly tonight in my dreams.  I ask deeply for your help and guidance.
Picture a double door to your heart, these are two doors that open in the middle, open them widely and see a bright yellow sun in a green valley.
You have just opened the door to allow you angels to come in and offer their support. Repeat this as many times as you wish.
This is just a sneak peak at what is offered in my Upcoming Soul Coaching Course.

A. MICHAEL :  Fears, Blockages and Ego related blocks
B. RAPHAEL : Health Issues
C. GABRIEL : In search of life purpose
D. JOPHIEL : people who see life as half empty – She helps us see the beauty in life
E. ARIEL : for people who struggle with environmental issues
F. SANDALPHON : those is desperate need of prayers (usually feel him with your ears pressure change or sounds of light music)
G. ZADKIEL : helps us learn to forgive, not only others but also ourselves
H. RAZIEL : He knows the secret of life – call upon him to find your inner truth, great for people who feel lost
I. HANIEL : Helps us find our hidden secrets – she illuminates our spiritual path

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