Friday, August 1, 2014

Madness in the World

I was awoken this morning by my angels to deliver an urgent message. I never watch the news, I avoid it as much as possible because of the all the negative stuff that goes on, it really heavy's on my heart. So I rather not pay attention. But as of recently, there has been so many things going in the world that they are urging me to spread the world of prayer. Things that are happening, are instilling so much fear into so many lives, and its not about fear. It's a time of Prayer. For many of you who don't think you pray, or get discourage from the word "pray", all it is really, is sending out positive thoughts for the best possible outcome. You are putting out the energy that you wish the situation the best. And that is what we are to do during this time of need.
Mother earth is calling out for health, we have drained her. We have used up her resources, we have upset the balance. Its not a time for blame, but prayer.
Planes Crashing, People being killed; especially children, Illness, extreme climate changes, Wars.
All these things bring a sense of fear, everyone is afraid, and not enough people are paying attention to their inner compass that is guiding them to do something to help the situation.
You don't need a lot of money, you don't have to dedicate your physical body to go help those in need and you don't need to anything that is hard for you, other then just send prayers.
If your reading this, then please join me in a few minutes to send love and light into the world.
Imagine a Map in your minds eye, With your map in focus, send your angels flying around the world (or imagine an angel or something that resonates with you, could even be yourself) sprinkling healing dust. I like to call if fairy dust. I see it falling like rain and it heals everything it touches. It soothes where there is heart ache. And most of all , I pray for the lives lost and the family's who has to endure such a lost.
And that is all that is needed.
Do not send fear into the world, but spread healing, hope and love.

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