Sunday, November 30, 2014

Healing with Raphael

On Nov 28th, Angel Raphael, the angel of healing, appeared to me and asked that I be a conduit for sending healing energy to those all over the world in need. At that very moment I set my intention that I would ask for pure light and send pure love to those in need. He gave me direct orders, on Nov 29th at exactly 11:11pm I would enter a healing mediation guided by him that will allow my body to become a vessel to send pure love that would heal those in need.

This Morning he came to me to show me how I would conduct such a healing session for later this evening. I even drew a picture. I did this so that I can share my story and life work with you. THIS IS NOT MY TEACHING, THIS WAS GIVEN TO ME BY THE ANGELS. IT IS THEIR HEALING AND I SHARE MY STORY WITH ALL OF YOU TO SPREAD THE MESSAGE THE ANGELS ARE WITH US AND THEY WILL HELP US WHEN WE ASK. I BEGAN MY PATH AS A HEALER AND THIS IS POSSIBLE BECAUSE OF THE ANGELS DIVINE GUIDANCE.

 This blog is written after the completion of the healing. In the photo you see me in my protection bubble, encased in this bubble is also Raphael. The angels are always on my Right side - the side of intuition. In this bubble he fills it with healing energy. Imagine if you were an electron and inside all you saw were positive ion signs. This Is similar to what I saw, except I did not see positive ions signs, my bubble was filled with the sign of the staff of Asclepius. The sign for healing. All around me I drew hearts, these are people who have been requested to have healing sent to them by others or for themselves. There are people all over the world. Some of the hearts you may have noticed are red –those are the ones who requested the healing for others. From my hands you can't see it but there are earth chakras – which is what I used to send healing energy – this is similar, as I have been told by Raphael, to Reiki Healing. Except I do not send healing symbols – but pure love energy. The energy that radiates from my hands are pink light – the shade of Pure Love. 


At 11:11pm I conducted a healing meditation surrounded by green crystals. In the center of my heart laid a Rose Quartz. Raphael shows me the Staff of Asclepius ( not to be confused with Caduceus ) This is a symbol of a staff with a single snake wrapped around it, In ancient Greece this was the symbol for healing and there once was a healing temple called Asclepius. Somehow during my mediation a song came on – completely random "Peace on Earth" – by Kevin Ross. Beautiful sign from the angels don't you think? Angels love to bring us signs, and one of the great ways they love to use is through music. At 11:11 I was told that the gateway to the universe is wide open. This was a great time for us all to connect to sending healing to everyone everywhere. There is no limit, the angels have no bounds and they tell me – neither do we. We are able to do absolutely anything if we use our purest intent. I have full faith that all of you who wished to send healing to someone, it was done. Some may have needed it more than others, but just know, IT IS DONE. In a few days check on your loved ones and see how they are doing. At 11:30 pm the channel closed.


Blessings and thank you.


You can book a reading with me at

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Todays Reading

The Enchanted Map by Colette Baron-Reid


Making a Choice: you've choosen this card because you need to make a decision but unsure of how to proceed. Follow your heart and listen to your intuition. If you need to make a decision take full responsibility for it. Good or bad, you decide what you do in life. There are no coincidence, if you ignore your intuition, doors begin to close, if you follow your intuition doors will open. Trust and learn from your mistakes, if you don't make the right choice at first, that's ok. Take responsibility for your failures. It is when we fall that we learn to pick ourselves up – no one else will do it for us. If you need help, ask for signs from your angels and guides. It is then up to you wither or not you decide to notice the signs.

Peaks of Joy: TODAY YOU WILL FIND HAPPINESS AND JOY! Share this with others, your happiness is contagious. Just watch and see – you will be overwhelmed with happiness ;)

Slow and Steady : Don't rush! Take your time, what's the hurry? Today, allow yourself to take a break and enjoy the moment. If you have been working a lot – take the rest of the day off, or maybe go watch a movie after work. Take a moment to really cherish the relationships in your life. SO many people get stuck in work mode or always on the phones or ipads or whatever it is, for the 10 minutes, give your brain a rest, and just be. We often fill our minds and day with stuff just to stay busy, but in order for you to really connect with the universe and bring joy and happiness into your life, you must take breaks and just enjoy the moment. If you have been working hard towards a goal – this card tells you that you will achieve what your heart desires so relax and enjoy the process.

Mountain: You know, sometimes life is just hard. Things happen and we are faced with challenges. It happens, but…. Here's a secret – there is always an easy and a hard way. The mountain shows us that when we are faced with challenges, we can either take the hard path and go right up over it – OR, we can take detours and find an easier path that is less strenuous. Think about that. Why fight and push yourself, when there is an easier way – yes it maybe longer but along the detour you will notice all the beauty there is in the mountain.

To book a reading, please contact me at

Angel Messages from Michael



Self-respect: You must learn to set your boundaries with others. Do not allow others to treat you unkind. When we allow others to treat us not so good, it really hurts our souls to have such lack of respect. You must love yourself first. What others think of you does not matter, The only thing that matters is how you feel about yourself. Trust that you are lovable. Have enough respect for yourself to remove negative and harsh energies from your life. Arch Angel Michael brings you his love and support. He gives you strength to remove the cords of negativity. This card brings a message that you are not being true and authentic to yourself.

Pay Attention to your dreams: You are receiving so much love and light through your dreams, please do keep track of them and pay attention. You will receive many messages. If you are having difficulties, Michaels says that if you ask the angels for the their help, they will bring you answers when you sleep. During sleep, we allow our bodies to relax and ego is away, this allows our minds to be easily accessible by your angels and guides. If you need help – TAKE A NAP!

Decide to be happy now: Doesn't matter what is going on in your life right now, DECIDE TO BE HAPPY.

Spend more time outdoors: You are not grounded, you are not being in-tune with your true authentic self. Allow yourself to take a break and go for a walk, sit outside and eat lunch or simply sit outside and just breath in the fresh air – be one with the earth, you need it. The best way to connect with your angels is to be outside.

You and Your loved ones are safe: If you are worried about someone, or in need of prayers, know that this card brings you a message that the angels are with your loved ones protecting and shielding them. Your prayers have been heard and have no fear, the angels are near. In this very moment, take a deep breath. Feel the sensation of protection washing over you as Michael shields you.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Past life Readings


Atlantis: You have lived a life in Atlantis. You have a natural love for the ocean and ocean life. You are very connected to the water, although you may not feel safe in water due to the way Atlantis ended. You have a strong connection to sea animals and mermaids are more familiar then they are fantasy for you.

Asia: Close your eyes and focus a map in your mind's eye, locate ASIA, which country lights up for you, You most likely have lived there once or many life times. Asia has a lot of history and there are so many stories to be told, For those who are attracted to this card, I see many people sharing lifetimes in INDIA. For some of you, you may have a natural love for Asian culture such as food, clothing or culture. Those of you who have phobias, consider the idea that maybe you have been through the traumas of war.

Ships: Where you a pirate? Maybe you were a sailor? Did you sail with Columbus? People who have had past lives concerning ships live very fascinating lives and I find these people will often be full of adventure. They love to travel. If you're like me, you could have been killed by being thrown off the ship. I have a deep fear of drowning and water. If you have ties to people in this life time now that are deep sea fisherman's, consider that your link to your very own past life.

Finances: Are you struggling now financially? Or maybe you are having difficulties manifesting abundance. With this card, it shows that you have taken vows of poverty in a last life time which is affecting you now. Those of you who are wealthy now in this life, have had financials struggles in the past, You learned from your past mistake and am able to make money in this life.

Love life: There are soul mate connections in this life time. Consider who you are with at this very moment? Do you feel as if they are your soul mate? Soul mates have this instant knowing that you have known them before and they have a very strong connection. Struggling with a current relationship? There could be some old past life karmas that need to be resolved.

Persecution and Inquisition: Are you gifted in this life, but am afraid to step out of the "psychic closet?" this fear and uncertainty comes from a past life where you were tortured for having a gift. Know that you are safe in this life to be open about your gift. If you feel like you were killed in a past life for being a witch, this card confirms your suspicions.


If you wish to have a more in depth past life reading, please contact me to book your complete past life reading.
The fee is $35 and includes two follow up questions to complete your session. 

Upon payment please email me your full name at birth and the card you selected.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Our Mini Spiritual Retreat to Mt. Shasta

Today I had an amazing opportunity to connect with 3 fabulous women on our mini retreat Mount Shasta. It was a spur of the moment retreat that turned into a fantastic re connection of our spirits on a soul level. If you haven't been to Mt Shasta, I highly recommend you put that on your bucket list. Mount Shasta is located in Northern California, it is about an hour and a half drive north on I5 from Sacramento and is small town that seems to be a hidden gem.
    There is just something about the Mountain that draws you to it, I have no clue what it is, but as I prepared for our trip, I kept getting a sense of " we're going home" The energy of it was absolutely stunning. Mount Shasta is the seat of an amazing Vortex: it is said that the ancient city of Lumeria was once located where this inactivate Volcano sleeps now. As we made the 3 hour trek up north of I5, we made a few stops here and there to snap some photos and I can honestly tell you, the view was BREATHTAKING! The day started with a bit of rain and cloudiness and the closer we got to Shasta, the sun started to shine, it was as if perfect divine timing was on our side. I KID YOU NOT- it went from very rainy and gloomy to bright and sunny the closer we got the Shasta!

    Our First stop was the SHASTA PYRAMID! YES! There is a real pyramid in Shasta! This is not an easy find, we have found that if you put in "OM SHASTA PATH" into your gps it will actually pull it up, don't use the actual home address because it will re-route you elsewhere. The pyramid is actually on private property so you will need to make an appointment. The man who built this pyramid and the guardian of it is Omaran, he is such an amazing soul. He tells me he got the calling to build this pyramid under the calling of Angel Metatron. As you can see from our photo, there is an image of Metatons Sacred Cube painted on the side of the pyramid. As we enter this pyramid we are instructed no metals, so if you come, make sure you do not bring any metals into the pyramid! We are taken into the pyramid where it is dark at first, but as we adjust our eyes in a few minutes, we were able to see clearly. It's my understanding that this was built in honor of Isis, an Egyptian goddess that emits feminine energy. She is brought forth to those who are in need of maturity on a soul level and helps us balance our masculine and feminine energies. I do remember Omaran also mentioning Tara as helping those who go in the pyramid. Tara is the Buddhist goddess of compassion. I find it no coincidence that Tara was present with us today, as one of the ladies in our group pulled one card for our trip from her deck and received the TARA card. How was the pyramid experience? Absolutely amazing and wonderfully healing.
You can get more information here

    Tara                                                    Isis 

After our pyramid session, we stopped by Yaks coffee shop and had the best coffee I had ever had! They did a really neat drip coffee, photo below. It was the best coffee I had ever had, I believe it has a lot to do with the Mount Shasta water.


  If you come to Mount Shasta you really need to make stop at this wonderful gem. Right next door to Yaks is this fantastic metaphysical store called Soul Connections! 

When we walked in, we were in crystal heaven.

We finished out trip with our last stop at the "I AM READING ROOM" this beautiful little home in honor to the St. Germaine foundation. If you are unfamiliar with him, he is also an ascended master. In this beautiful little hidden gem, is a small mediation room that is dedicated to the "Violet Flame" this is a small room where all is welcome to spend a few minutes in mediation. It is absolutely free and a must do if you are in the area! It is not hard to find and is down the street a few blocks from soul connections past the police department.


  Long story short, I had an amazing experience on our short trip to Mount Shasta. I know this experience has been extremely healing and the mountain called for myself and my soul sisters to re-connect after many life times apart. It was a great experience and we have been touched by many ascended masters. If you have not been, I highly recommend you make a visit to Mount Shasta, it was a wonderful spiritual experience. 

This is Black Butte Volcano behind me.

You can't see all of Mt. Shasta because it was covered in the clouds, it was absolutely breathtaking.