Thursday, November 13, 2014

Todays Reading

The Enchanted Map by Colette Baron-Reid


Making a Choice: you've choosen this card because you need to make a decision but unsure of how to proceed. Follow your heart and listen to your intuition. If you need to make a decision take full responsibility for it. Good or bad, you decide what you do in life. There are no coincidence, if you ignore your intuition, doors begin to close, if you follow your intuition doors will open. Trust and learn from your mistakes, if you don't make the right choice at first, that's ok. Take responsibility for your failures. It is when we fall that we learn to pick ourselves up – no one else will do it for us. If you need help, ask for signs from your angels and guides. It is then up to you wither or not you decide to notice the signs.

Peaks of Joy: TODAY YOU WILL FIND HAPPINESS AND JOY! Share this with others, your happiness is contagious. Just watch and see – you will be overwhelmed with happiness ;)

Slow and Steady : Don't rush! Take your time, what's the hurry? Today, allow yourself to take a break and enjoy the moment. If you have been working a lot – take the rest of the day off, or maybe go watch a movie after work. Take a moment to really cherish the relationships in your life. SO many people get stuck in work mode or always on the phones or ipads or whatever it is, for the 10 minutes, give your brain a rest, and just be. We often fill our minds and day with stuff just to stay busy, but in order for you to really connect with the universe and bring joy and happiness into your life, you must take breaks and just enjoy the moment. If you have been working hard towards a goal – this card tells you that you will achieve what your heart desires so relax and enjoy the process.

Mountain: You know, sometimes life is just hard. Things happen and we are faced with challenges. It happens, but…. Here's a secret – there is always an easy and a hard way. The mountain shows us that when we are faced with challenges, we can either take the hard path and go right up over it – OR, we can take detours and find an easier path that is less strenuous. Think about that. Why fight and push yourself, when there is an easier way – yes it maybe longer but along the detour you will notice all the beauty there is in the mountain.

To book a reading, please contact me at

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