Saturday, November 8, 2014

Our Mini Spiritual Retreat to Mt. Shasta

Today I had an amazing opportunity to connect with 3 fabulous women on our mini retreat Mount Shasta. It was a spur of the moment retreat that turned into a fantastic re connection of our spirits on a soul level. If you haven't been to Mt Shasta, I highly recommend you put that on your bucket list. Mount Shasta is located in Northern California, it is about an hour and a half drive north on I5 from Sacramento and is small town that seems to be a hidden gem.
    There is just something about the Mountain that draws you to it, I have no clue what it is, but as I prepared for our trip, I kept getting a sense of " we're going home" The energy of it was absolutely stunning. Mount Shasta is the seat of an amazing Vortex: it is said that the ancient city of Lumeria was once located where this inactivate Volcano sleeps now. As we made the 3 hour trek up north of I5, we made a few stops here and there to snap some photos and I can honestly tell you, the view was BREATHTAKING! The day started with a bit of rain and cloudiness and the closer we got to Shasta, the sun started to shine, it was as if perfect divine timing was on our side. I KID YOU NOT- it went from very rainy and gloomy to bright and sunny the closer we got the Shasta!

    Our First stop was the SHASTA PYRAMID! YES! There is a real pyramid in Shasta! This is not an easy find, we have found that if you put in "OM SHASTA PATH" into your gps it will actually pull it up, don't use the actual home address because it will re-route you elsewhere. The pyramid is actually on private property so you will need to make an appointment. The man who built this pyramid and the guardian of it is Omaran, he is such an amazing soul. He tells me he got the calling to build this pyramid under the calling of Angel Metatron. As you can see from our photo, there is an image of Metatons Sacred Cube painted on the side of the pyramid. As we enter this pyramid we are instructed no metals, so if you come, make sure you do not bring any metals into the pyramid! We are taken into the pyramid where it is dark at first, but as we adjust our eyes in a few minutes, we were able to see clearly. It's my understanding that this was built in honor of Isis, an Egyptian goddess that emits feminine energy. She is brought forth to those who are in need of maturity on a soul level and helps us balance our masculine and feminine energies. I do remember Omaran also mentioning Tara as helping those who go in the pyramid. Tara is the Buddhist goddess of compassion. I find it no coincidence that Tara was present with us today, as one of the ladies in our group pulled one card for our trip from her deck and received the TARA card. How was the pyramid experience? Absolutely amazing and wonderfully healing.
You can get more information here

    Tara                                                    Isis 

After our pyramid session, we stopped by Yaks coffee shop and had the best coffee I had ever had! They did a really neat drip coffee, photo below. It was the best coffee I had ever had, I believe it has a lot to do with the Mount Shasta water.


  If you come to Mount Shasta you really need to make stop at this wonderful gem. Right next door to Yaks is this fantastic metaphysical store called Soul Connections! 

When we walked in, we were in crystal heaven.

We finished out trip with our last stop at the "I AM READING ROOM" this beautiful little home in honor to the St. Germaine foundation. If you are unfamiliar with him, he is also an ascended master. In this beautiful little hidden gem, is a small mediation room that is dedicated to the "Violet Flame" this is a small room where all is welcome to spend a few minutes in mediation. It is absolutely free and a must do if you are in the area! It is not hard to find and is down the street a few blocks from soul connections past the police department.


  Long story short, I had an amazing experience on our short trip to Mount Shasta. I know this experience has been extremely healing and the mountain called for myself and my soul sisters to re-connect after many life times apart. It was a great experience and we have been touched by many ascended masters. If you have not been, I highly recommend you make a visit to Mount Shasta, it was a wonderful spiritual experience. 

This is Black Butte Volcano behind me.

You can't see all of Mt. Shasta because it was covered in the clouds, it was absolutely breathtaking. 

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