Sunday, November 30, 2014

Healing with Raphael

On Nov 28th, Angel Raphael, the angel of healing, appeared to me and asked that I be a conduit for sending healing energy to those all over the world in need. At that very moment I set my intention that I would ask for pure light and send pure love to those in need. He gave me direct orders, on Nov 29th at exactly 11:11pm I would enter a healing mediation guided by him that will allow my body to become a vessel to send pure love that would heal those in need.

This Morning he came to me to show me how I would conduct such a healing session for later this evening. I even drew a picture. I did this so that I can share my story and life work with you. THIS IS NOT MY TEACHING, THIS WAS GIVEN TO ME BY THE ANGELS. IT IS THEIR HEALING AND I SHARE MY STORY WITH ALL OF YOU TO SPREAD THE MESSAGE THE ANGELS ARE WITH US AND THEY WILL HELP US WHEN WE ASK. I BEGAN MY PATH AS A HEALER AND THIS IS POSSIBLE BECAUSE OF THE ANGELS DIVINE GUIDANCE.

 This blog is written after the completion of the healing. In the photo you see me in my protection bubble, encased in this bubble is also Raphael. The angels are always on my Right side - the side of intuition. In this bubble he fills it with healing energy. Imagine if you were an electron and inside all you saw were positive ion signs. This Is similar to what I saw, except I did not see positive ions signs, my bubble was filled with the sign of the staff of Asclepius. The sign for healing. All around me I drew hearts, these are people who have been requested to have healing sent to them by others or for themselves. There are people all over the world. Some of the hearts you may have noticed are red –those are the ones who requested the healing for others. From my hands you can't see it but there are earth chakras – which is what I used to send healing energy – this is similar, as I have been told by Raphael, to Reiki Healing. Except I do not send healing symbols – but pure love energy. The energy that radiates from my hands are pink light – the shade of Pure Love. 


At 11:11pm I conducted a healing meditation surrounded by green crystals. In the center of my heart laid a Rose Quartz. Raphael shows me the Staff of Asclepius ( not to be confused with Caduceus ) This is a symbol of a staff with a single snake wrapped around it, In ancient Greece this was the symbol for healing and there once was a healing temple called Asclepius. Somehow during my mediation a song came on – completely random "Peace on Earth" – by Kevin Ross. Beautiful sign from the angels don't you think? Angels love to bring us signs, and one of the great ways they love to use is through music. At 11:11 I was told that the gateway to the universe is wide open. This was a great time for us all to connect to sending healing to everyone everywhere. There is no limit, the angels have no bounds and they tell me – neither do we. We are able to do absolutely anything if we use our purest intent. I have full faith that all of you who wished to send healing to someone, it was done. Some may have needed it more than others, but just know, IT IS DONE. In a few days check on your loved ones and see how they are doing. At 11:30 pm the channel closed.


Blessings and thank you.


You can book a reading with me at

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