Thursday, November 13, 2014

Angel Messages from Michael



Self-respect: You must learn to set your boundaries with others. Do not allow others to treat you unkind. When we allow others to treat us not so good, it really hurts our souls to have such lack of respect. You must love yourself first. What others think of you does not matter, The only thing that matters is how you feel about yourself. Trust that you are lovable. Have enough respect for yourself to remove negative and harsh energies from your life. Arch Angel Michael brings you his love and support. He gives you strength to remove the cords of negativity. This card brings a message that you are not being true and authentic to yourself.

Pay Attention to your dreams: You are receiving so much love and light through your dreams, please do keep track of them and pay attention. You will receive many messages. If you are having difficulties, Michaels says that if you ask the angels for the their help, they will bring you answers when you sleep. During sleep, we allow our bodies to relax and ego is away, this allows our minds to be easily accessible by your angels and guides. If you need help – TAKE A NAP!

Decide to be happy now: Doesn't matter what is going on in your life right now, DECIDE TO BE HAPPY.

Spend more time outdoors: You are not grounded, you are not being in-tune with your true authentic self. Allow yourself to take a break and go for a walk, sit outside and eat lunch or simply sit outside and just breath in the fresh air – be one with the earth, you need it. The best way to connect with your angels is to be outside.

You and Your loved ones are safe: If you are worried about someone, or in need of prayers, know that this card brings you a message that the angels are with your loved ones protecting and shielding them. Your prayers have been heard and have no fear, the angels are near. In this very moment, take a deep breath. Feel the sensation of protection washing over you as Michael shields you.

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