Sunday, May 3, 2015

News From Cyndee May 2015

Today's Message: The Magician 

The magician appears to remind  us that we are the creators of our own universe. We have the power to create a life that we want and if there is anything that you ever need, you have all the tools with in.  We are all born with special tools and skills and they are all designed to help us build a successful life. Life doesn't have to be hard, you just have to ask for help from the angels. When we become aware of this amazing gift, things start to unfold for us and life starts to get a bit easier. The angels will bring signs of help to you in the forms of coincidences - and if you pay attention you will notice them. Once your receive your sign, its your job to act on those gentle encouragements. Remember they are not giving you anything you already don’t have. Follow the magician and watch how magic life can be. Understand that you are the Magician and all the tools are being laid out in front of you at this moment and this is a time of empowerment.

Today, take control of your life and DO SOMETHING. Don’t sit around and wait for things to just “fall into your lap”  You want to receive – you must be ready to believe. 

Tarot By Cyndee Celebrates One Year Anniversary!
I'd like to first start off by thanking all of you who have supported my work through this last few months! On Friday May 1, I hit my one year anniversary when I first started doing paid readings. I can't tell you all how much that day meant to me. I actually completely forgot until a reminder popped up for me on my calendar. Thank goodness for that! Exactly one year ago from that date, I took a HUGE leap of faith and followed Angelic Guidance and it has been a true blessing since then.
Yesterday I taught a class on Tarot about the Major Arcana, and one lady had asked me how I learned the cards, and I shared my story and a really big " Aha" moment sparked me in this morning that I didn't think about yesterday. I had shared my journey and I was very honest. I learned through books. Back in the late 90's and early 2000's there were no Tarot groups, or a tarot teacher I could connect with and the internet was no where near as advance as it is today. I honestly had to learn on my and the only way back was really, through books and my own personal research and interestingly enough – I didn't learn from "Tarot Books" I studied Palm readings and Dream Dictionaries. Through palm reading I learned about astrology and it was really working through my dreams that I learned about symbolism and really tapping into my intuitive abilities. I look at the many tarot books now and to be honest, they never connected with me- I combined my knowledge of other things that helped me form my own interpretation of the tarot. Next week I will be sharing my Major Arcana Download so that many of you will also be able to learn from home.


Dreams: How do they help us
Dreams are so important for us that if you start paying attention and working with them , you will find immense healing. I up until yesterday had completely forgot about the significance of dreams and their symbolism to us. Even the other day I shared an article about dreams because my friends and family are always asking me to interpret their dreams. It comes so naturally that I forgot its importance and I want to share that with you all today. I want to make note – its how YOU interpret the dream. You can look up a symbol and get its general definition but its really how you apply to your own waking life that bring you the most healing. Most people look up something and they say "oh ok, that's what it means" but then they never apply it to their waking life and so they don't get the healing that is needed. Our dreams are our unconscious way of working through our issues throughout the day. Many of us shut down our high selves and live within the ego. When you ready- start documenting your dreams. You'll be so amazed at how this can transform your life. I share this because it's what has helped me for many years.
  1. Get a Dream Journal – Buy one specifically for your dreams. Its better to write them down then using your phone or some form of electronic device – If you wake up in the middle of the night document as much as you can remember and how you felt then go back to bed. If you use an electronic device it will mess with your sleeping sensors in your brain and you may have a more difficult time returning to sleep or entering dream mode.
  2. Shut down all electronic devices an hour before bed if you wish to have dream healings. This also your brain to relaxed before bed and you'll find its easier for you to enter REM sleep which I call the dream state.
  3. Look up the meanings and Symbolism in your dreams
  4. Relate that to how it helps your current waking situations and the issues you are currently faced with.
Some Common Dream Symbol's
    WATER: Signify our emotion state – pay attention the water in your dreams. Is it clear or cloudy? Clear water is good – it shows your emotional state is clear of negativity. If its cloudy there are some deep emotional issues that are bothering you. Is the water calm or rough? Imagine your emotions as the waves – are you calmed or is there a lot of emotions stirring in you?
    FALLING: Shows signs of struggles with in yourself.
    RUNNING: if you are running from danger – you are worried a lot in your waking life
STAIRS : Going up the stairs is a good sign, it's a sign you are moving up the emotional steps to your high self, if you are going the stairs it is a sign you lowering yourself to your ego state which is not as pleasant.
TEETH: dreams of teeth are usually not good ones, they bring to light your own sense of anxiety and insecurities. If you lose teeth- it's a sign of low self esteem or worries about your outer appearance.
GRASS: if you are ever find you are in field of grass – how does the field look? If its nice and healthy good things are head of you, if the grass is dying or yellow not so good things are head of you.
There are many dreams books out there and other resources you can use. I personally love and only use my dream book "10,000 Dreams Interpreted" by Gustavus Hindman Miller.

Whats coming up:
On May 16th I will be teaching a live course on "How to Manifest Abundance" I have many followers all over the world and for those of you who are interested in taking this course but am not able to attend the event live in Sacramento, I have decided to record this session and you will be able to view it from your own home. This course will only be available this one time for purchase. I plan to offer this once every few months so if you miss it this time around, no worries – you can catch it next time.

What you get: A video lesson on instant download for you to keep and re-watch as needed and a pdf download.
What you'll Learn: In this course I share with you all techniques that have worked for me. I have been very successful with these methods ( its a year later and my business is still thriving, I started this with two pennies and look where I am now a year later ) I want to share with you all that you can change your life to become more positive and more abundant. Take a chance with me and I will do my very best to not disappoint. I've taught this before and those who took it with me have been very thankful and they are now living a more joyful life.

You may purchase this course up until May 16- after this date enrollment is closed and it will not be available. Course is $45.00 . Course download will be emailed Sunday May 17th.

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