Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Put together your own guidance this week

After you placed your cards in order - For example: cards 3,5,2,1,4 You will place the correspond image in a position.  Nine of swords would be in the first position, Judgment will be in the second position. four of cups will in the 3rd postion, hermit will be in fourth and the prince of pentacles will be in 5th position. Description of each position is below. 

On a sepearte sheet - copy and paste your description for each card according to its position and you will have put together your very own readings for this week ;)

Nine of swords: This is a card of anxiety and worries and fears
1st position: You probably spent the last few days worried to death! Lots of anxiety and  you were probably pretty stressed out.JUDGEMENT: 2nd card: re-evaulate your actions that have to past, what can you do today/tomorrow to make it better? 3rd position : Sometimes it’s hard to see the brighter side of things, and for this to be your challenge this week – it will be EXTRA HARD ON YOU. It’s okay to be angry, just don’t dwell on it. Someone is rude to you this week – get upset and then let it go – its important for you to aware of this energy this week so you can change it. If you picked this card for your third position, please – be aware of the negative attitudes you have. Once you become aware of it you can change it. Remember everything is in your power and how you choose to re-act affects your reality.  4th : It’s a good idea this week for you to take a break. You need it. Rest.
5th card is your likely outcome – the energy for the end of you week ( Friday-Sunday) You will see how your actions through this week will come to unfold by the end of the week. Most importantly don’t be harsh on yourself, just learn from this and improve next week. 
Next step: Evaluate your own reading. Its amazing because this message rings so true for me! As many of you know, I have a sick toddler right now, not only am I worried to death about him because hes so cranky and in pain he wont eat, but I also put my home up for sale- I'm worried because I have so much to do to prepare my house for sale. This week has been a really challenging one. I run my own tarot business and i feel so awful because I have not been able to put much energy into it. I really need to put things on hold this week and just rest and allow the energy to work itself out. By the end of this week, I have to remember that yes, I had a really rough week. Buts that ok- life happens. What important is that I continue next week with a better attitude. 

NOW....... for your reading......

First card will be for beginning of the week that has already passed.
2nd card will be your day today/tomorrow 
3rd card is your challenges for this week on an inner level – this is what will go on with in                        you.
4th card How you should move forward energy wise
5th card is your likely outcome – the energy for the end of you week ( Friday-Sunday)

Hermit: The card of Meditation and Solitude. This card brings forth the energy of being alone. Its message is there will be a time (depending on what order you place him) where you will be alone. If you select this card for the
 1st position: You just went through a period where you felt alone or were literally alone.
2nd Position: You will find that your day today or tomorrow seems peaceful as you spend quiet time by yourself.  Work may be slow, or you may have to take a sick day or maybe you just don’t want to deal with your family today. Turn off your phone and allow yourself some me time.
3rd postion – its message is that you are struggling with the feeling of being alone, or feeling isolated or you don’t belong.
4th : It’s a good idea this week for you to take a break. You need it. Rest.
5.  At the end of this week you will spend your time focusing inwards and asking yourself – what you need to do, what makes you happy, what you can do to make you happy? You may start to wonder, are you an introvert or extrovert? You will spend the end of your week – re-evaluating who you are.  Those of you who pick this at the end of the week – you may think “ how can I improve my life?” don’t forget- this Saturday I teach a class on how to manifest abundance and you can learn too with an instant download available Sunday. This will be not be available to down load any other time.

Four of Cups: The card of unhappiness. This card brings energy of pessimism.
1st Position:  You probably spent the last few days in a bad mood or unhappy.
2nd position: Today and tomorrow you may find your on the bad side. You may be cranky, or things may not work out as you hoped or maybe your environment will cause you to re-act in away that really brings you down.
3rd position : Sometimes it’s hard to see the brighter side of things, and for this to be your challenge this week – it will be EXTRA HARD ON YOU. It’s okay to be angry, just don’t dwell on it. Someone is rude to you this week – get upset and then let it go – its important for you to aware of this energy this week so you can change it. If you picked this card for your third position, please – be aware of the negative attitudes you have. Once you become aware of it you can change it. Remember everything is in your power and how you choose to re-act affects your reality.
4th position : Focus on the cup half full not empty. You want to improve your life, this card in the 4th position is telling you to focus on the happier side of things. If you have time finding that light at the end of the tunnel,  create a gratitude list – focus on all the things you are grateful for. The advice with this card is that you should not focus on the negative.
5th position: Towards the end of this week you may find you will dwell on all the negative things that happened. You know, that’s life, Sometimes you have ups and downs, its bound to happen, your going to have a bad week but don’t dwell on it. Move on, next week will be better.

Nine of swords: This is a card of anxiety and worries and fears
1st position: You probably spent the last few days worried to death! Lots of anxiety and  you were probably pretty stressed out.
2nd position today/tomorrow will bring something to your attention that will cause you anxiety, fear or worries.
3rd position For this week, on an emotional level your probably stressed out. You can’t stop thinking or worrying about x,y,z. What is it that you are constantly thinking of? Write that out!
4th position :  How you should move forward – just know and trust that things are getting better- what ever it is that you are worried about will work out just fine, your worrying for no reason. Relax!
5th position : final outcome this week – all of the events that will play out this week will leave you constantly thinking about everything. You will replay the events constantly trying to figure out how you could of done this or that differently. You know what… the week has passed, let it go. You can’t change what has happened so let it go and try again next week.

Prince of pentacles: The prince of pentacles is someone who is honorable and kind. He gets things done. This is a card that is asking you to bring about how you can bring this energy into who you are.
First card : these last few days people may have found you to be really helpful or appreciated you. They find you to be reliable or kind hearted. You probably helped someone out who needed it.
2nd card: for today/tomorrow be a hard worker. Be diligent. Check all your work and make sure its 100%. The prince of pentacles is not someone who cuts corners.  No matter what it is that you do – do it great.
3rd card: you challenge may be that your lazy or you don’t want to do anything. This week you may not want to give 100% of yourself.
4th card How you should move forward energy wise is that you should strive to be better.
5th card is your likely outcome – You are going to feel so good about yourself this week because you gave yourself fully into something and it feels good to have so much heart when doing things.  This is not about how others make you feel, its about your hard work and knowing you gave your best.

Judgement: This card is not as scary as it sounds, its about your re-evaluating your actions  and releasing judgment. Karma will balance itself out this week for you. If you were kind, you will receive kindness. If you were negative, you will receive negative.
First card : know that things that have happened these last few days will make there way back into your life. Did you do something nice for someone? You will reap the rewards soon, were you really mean or said some nasty things this last few days? I hate to tell you, but you will be experience what you put out.
2nd card: re-evaulate your actions that have to past, what can you do today/tomorrow to make it better?
3rd card is your challenges for this week on an inner level – we are our own worst enemies and sometimes we are hardest on ourselves. Your challenge this week is that you may find your self being very judgemental and harsh about who you are as a person, maybe you didn’t do, or you should of done that, or you not happy with x,y,z.  It’s ok…. Be honest with yourself, when you become aware of this you can change it. Do you have low self esteem or your have feelings of insecurities, are you worried your not good enough? For those of you who picked this for your third postion – your challenge this week is not about what others think of you, but how you think of yourself.
4th card How you should move forward energy wise- No matter happens, you have the ability to change your future- You want a more positive life, be a more positive person. Look back at your life not with eyes of judgement. Understand that what has happened, is now passed and just reflect and move on. What could you do to fix it this time around, how can you let go of something and what can you do t balance your energy? Positive emotions spark divine inspiration- Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself “ I love you” its not being conceited. Its giving yourself the love that you need.

5th card is your likely outcome – the energy for the end of you week ( Friday-Sunday) You will see how your actions through this week will come to unfold by the end of the week. Most importantly don’t be harsh on yourself, just learn from this and improve next week. 

Blessings to you all from your angels, Love Arch Angel Michael, Gabriel and Haniel. 

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