Saturday, May 30, 2015

This weeks Message:

 How the Five of pentacles brings us a warning :

      When you look at the image it doesn’t depict a very happy image. Unfortunately not everything in life is always happy, perfect and rosy. The five of pentacles comes at a time to show us that we have lost connection with our own true source and we have moved our selves into the material world. We have become too focus on what is outside of us that we have depleted ourselves. Energy wise you may feel worn out and beaten down. Look at the image, those people look like they have been through a lot haven’t they? Look at your life right now, has this been a rough week or have you had a tough journey lately in your life? You want to stop and think about where your thoughts have been, have they been so enthralled in the outside that world that you stop focusing on your own happiness?  Money can’t buy happiness – its old saying that is very true. When I see the five of pentacles, its not always about the “money” but it could be about things that are attached to money. Are you unhappy with your home, your job, the car you drive, or the clothes you wear? If this card hits you close to home, it’s probably because you have become to focused on the material things.

The tarot never seems to fail me, its always there to guide me and offer me the perfect message at the perfect time. I’m currently in the process of selling my home and buying a new one – Why? Through divine guidance, the angels told me it was time to sell and buy a different home. One that will allow me to accommodate my growing tarot business.  It was a huge leap of faith! Although the sell of my home is going ok, the process of buying has been a hard journey. I had these high hopes that I would sell and buy at the same time, right now that doesn’t look to be the case and I think all these obstacles I have come to experience are all signs that my angels are trying to tell me I have become to focus on the outside world. In many ways, this 5 of pentacles is bring me back to down to earth and it has been a very humbling experience. This whole process has been very hard on me and I’ve found my energy sky rocketing to an energy that I am usually not at. It’s been draining.  So what did I decide today…. 

The healing message of the 4 of Swords:

      This card is about resting and recharging your batteries.  This card usually will come at a time when you need to rest. Especially after a hard week or some tough obstacles. You have to stop and let your self-rest so you don’t risk getting burnt out.  So will I do, absolutely nothing. Sell my house and rest. When the time comes to look for another home, I will. I’m not worried because I know the angels are behind me helping me find my way.  If you find you’re absolutely exhausted by the five of pentacles, I recommend that you too figure out what is draining you and take a break from it.

       I have decided to put my tarot classes on hold. I am going to return to what truly makes me happy and that is Tarot readings. I will spend more time in meditation and less time worrying about my housing situation and most of all, I’m just going to relax! I hope you all also will learn from me and take a break if you need it. Let me know how your weeks goes ;)  

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