Friday, May 22, 2015

There is always Sunshine after the Rain

I had some of the most challenging events unfold in my life this week and at one point I really started to wonder If I was on the right path. As I was driving home today after work, all these negative thoughts started to flood my mind and then I look at the sky and I see this beautiful separation in the sky and I felt as if I got smacked with Arch Angel Gabriel. LOL. Well not smacked literally – but more of I GOT HIT WITH INSPIRATION. And sure enough he brought me insight.


What did he tell me, " Cyndee, sometimes it storms the heaviest before the rain , but… it's after the rain that the sun shines brightest." My first response was "isn't there rain during a storm?" ;) and he just laughs with me, " Not always, thunderstorms can come without rain." The photo you see above was taken from my car, on my way home. Notice how its cloudy on one side, and starting to clear on the other and right in the middle, I kid you not – was the sun shinning through! It's crazy – I can't make this stuff up, sometimes I find myself doubting my own self!


So what does Gabriel message have to do with you all?
Some of you may have experience some really challenging times these last few weeks, and I'd like to share with you all - don't be stuck in "doom and gloom" We all get like this when everything seems to go wrong, or all this negativity seems to flood us for no darn reason. It's ok. It happens. Sometimes we need to get lost in the dark to find our way out. The struggle is what builds strength. If life was easy and a walk in the park – what lessons would we have learned? How would our souls grow without the challenges we are meant to overcome? In truth – we are destined to be faced with challenges, it's how we choose to overcome them and react to them that builds our success or failures.
Yes sometimes things are easy for us. When you're on the right path doors start to open and things just flow to us easily and everything starts to happen and we are so full of joy because we start feel like we are finally getting somewhere. Mid way we get hit with something and then it starts to become more and more challenging, you start to wonder? My god, have I fallen off track?! My advice to you all at this point is to ask yourself and pay attention to your internal compass. Does it feel right??????? If you feel you are doing something wrong – get off that path and look for a different way. But…sometimes…. The path feels right, it's challenging, its tough, you have no idea why, but you know there is a reason for all this madness! And when you learn the lesson you are meant to learn, things start to flow nicely again. You must trust your heart , it won't lead you astray.
Look at nature! If we had only sun, things would dry out and die. You need the rain to bring nurture to the earth so it can replenish. After the rain ; the sun shines and we get so much beauty. So for all of you out there today who are struggling right now with the many downs of life, you read my blog, your took in the message and I honestly believe those who read this were meant to read it and it was not all for nothing.


Remember Arch Angel Gabriels message to us all " sometimes it storms the heaviest before the rain , but… it's after the rain that the sun shines brightest"


Others News:

May 25 is World Tarot Day ;) Check out my face book page for some fun Tarot stuff. I plan to post Tarot Cards every few hours all the way up until May 25.

My website was recently updated- Come check it out, If you wish to book a reading this is the best place to start

I recently taught a wonderful course on How to Manifest Abundance - check out my previous blog for more information.

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