Sunday, August 2, 2015

7 of Wands and its message of Courage

Strength in Perseverance : The true meaning of Courage

Hello everyone! Oh my goodness I have been gone for quite a while haven’t I? I do want to apologize to you all my recent absence. Life took a big turn as I recently made some drastic changes in my living situation. If you have been following me, you know back in May I Sold my home and since then Everything has been all over the place, after weeks and weeks of madness, I’ve finally settled into my new home and am now starting to get my rhythm back with Tarot Business. I want to thank you all for sticking with me through all this !

7 Wands: Strength in perseverance
The 7 wands is a card of pushing through the tough times. No matter what happens, you have the strength and courage to make it to the end. You have a higher purpose and this card tells you not to give up and too keep going. It takes great courage to continue when things get hard. It takes a lot of will power and determination to stay on track especially when the road ahead seems hopeless.  For all of you today who are seeing this, I want you all to know that it takes courage for you to continue to pursue your dream in spite of all the obstacles being thrown your way.
 Please…. Keep going, follow your dreams, and most importantly follow your heart…

This week I want to talk to about Courage, and when I think of courage I think of the Lion from the Wizard of Oz…. This lead me to think about the Protected Lion that was recently killed by a “dentist” who was on a “hunting excursion” First let me open this can of worms with my two cents. I am a huge animal lover and for me, I can’t fathom why you would want to do such a thing for “sport” The fact that they “lured” this poor animal out of its protection is mind boogling…. But let’s take a step back and look at this from a “past life and soul contracts” point of view.

When we re-incarnate, we make pre-life decisions for experiences so that our soul can grow. It’s how our spirit evolves to an enlightened state… eventually…. Everything that happens to us… EVEVERYTHING. Happens for their to be a lesson to be learned. I don’t believe certain decisions are already pre determined, I believe when faced with a certain obstacle, we are given choices and how we choose to proceed will teach us either a good lesson, or a bad lesson, If it’s a bad lesson – we will have to repeat the obstacle until we get it right. This being said…. The lion and those who are involved in this poaching incident all have a soul contract with each other…. Although my soul is rattled by such a terrible event- ( I am a huge animal lover ) I understand there is a reason for such events. I hope that those involved have learned from this and in their next lesson they get it “right”
Cecil was known for his black mane, large size
and Powerful Demeanor. He was a popular
tourist attraction due to his friendliness to humans. 
He was well studied by scientist's and fathered 6 cubs.

       I truly believe that this one sacrifice had to be made to awaken others up for the greater good. Animal Poaching has been on on-going issue for many decades and we are just now starting to pay a bit more attention to it but still not enough… even with this incident of the Lion Cecil being killed we are not seeing the bigger picture – we only hear  “ Oh, a protected lion was killed- by a DENTIST” But miss the bigger message which is  “POACHING IS ILLEGAL!”  not only was this poor lion killed inhumanly ( – they shot it with an arrow and hunted it for 40 hours!) But they killed a lion who had several cubs. In the animal kingdom, when the leader Lion is killed, its cubs would be killed by the next rival. For a dwindling species that is a tragic lost. From my last check, those cubs are kept safe by another lion who also lead the pack with Cecil (thank god for that!)
         My message here is that not just any Lion was killed. I believe this was a great Lion that was brought here to touch the lives of many and to change the world. His death, I hope served a purpose in awakening others to the on-going issue of animal poaching. He was being studied by scientist, he was a huge Tourist attraction to Zimbabwe- this being because he was very friendly towards tourist and allowed people come close to him.  Many people responded to this outrage by attacking the dentist and forcing him to shut down his business, I found very little concern over the fact about poaching.  I don’t care about the dentist and making him “pay for what he did” because that serves no purpose in the higher good. Take a moment to think about that. Do we want to the punish those involved in this horrible crime, or would Cecil’s memory be better served by delivering the larger message that would help save all endangered species! The courage that it took for this lion to sacrifice its life for the greater good is immense!  And this is where my focus came to today when I pulled the 7 of Wands.

Damen Mander: Founder of :
International Anti- Poaching Foundation
operates in Africa

Two amazing people I truly admire are two ex-military men who have dedicated their life to animal protection and Anti-Poaching. Damien Mander is an amazing person who founded International Anti-Poaching Foundation and teamed up with his friend, Steven Mean – they have dedicated there to work to the preservation and protection of animals in African. Although Poaching is Illegal, people still go to immense lengths to do it. They will pay more, try harder and the scary part is they are not afraid of the law and will go to immense lengths to get a kill….  Review more if the Internal Anti-Poaching Foundations mission here

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