Sunday, August 23, 2015

Finding Balance this week

Finding Balance this week

In my recent Blog, I wrote about how important it is to first start our healing with our base chakra.  To compliment that information, I’d like to spend this week’s tarot reading on guiding you all on how you can best heal your very own base chakra. As I mentioned in my blog, everyone is different and not one technique will work for you all. This week you will see how different each person will be. Even if you have no idea what chakras are or you don’t believe in chakras, I’m sure you will find this weeks reading supportive in many ways. If you find you still need more support or help, please contact me @ too book your reading. 

Card one: Adjacent Possibilities (24) sometimes we become so set in habits that we find we get stuck. We have a hard time thinking outside of the box, or willing to take risk because let’s be honest, we get comfortable in our habits and it feels safe.  Fear is what keeps us in our little box. Fear is a sign that we have an unbalanced base chakra- this can stem in our real life in different ways such as :
-Are you stuck at a job you hate because your to afraid to take risk?
-Do you not deal with conflict because you rather brush it under the rug than to stir the waters?
-Do you stay in a bad relationship because your think you will never find someone better?
-Do you find comfort in habits and am afraid to change your routines?
Start by healing this area of your life by reminding yourself that the grass is always greener, when one door closes, a better one opens. I advise you all to take some risk, and just know that there are many ways and different possibilities out there to achieve a better life, you just have to be willing to take that leap of faith! For those of you who chose this card, I encourage you to face your fears, you don’t need to take action this week, just think about all the possibilities out there. Don’t limit yourself and stay stuck where you are because it feels comfortable. If you don’t take risk , you’ll never grow.

Card Two:  Journey (2) I’m excited for those of you who have picked this card because…. You are on the right path! I hope you don’t doubt yourself and if you do, just trust you are where you are suppose to be. The wonderful thing about the journey card is it shows me you have taken the leaps of faith you need and you are starting your journey. Your on the move and that’s wonderful! I’m sure you will find next weeks message on the Sacral Chakra will support you during your journey ;) My advice for those of you this week is to leave behind what no longer serves you. Pay attention to clutter this week – it could physical or mental clutter – what ever it is, make sure  you actively work on clearing that clutter so that you can take your journey with a light and not a heavy heart.

Card 3: Rest and Rejuvenate (19)As I mentioned, The base chakra is ruled by our adrenal glands – our flight or fight response system. Those of you who picked this card have been under extreme stress, you may not even realize it because you have gotten so use to it. I want you all to stop at this moment and reflect on your life these past few days, how many of you have been under a lot of stress, work too much, or find you can’t wind down because you can’t stop thinking…. Your adrenal glands are crying out that they are sooo fatigued that I want you to highly take this week message into extreme consideration and just rest. You must spend time this week for yourself and purposely take a break from life, slow down and take deep breaths. If you don’t you will find you will be exhausted or near a break down. Everyone has a breaking point, and for those of you who picked this card this week, please heed that warning – you are pushing yourself to hard and you need to rest. This week, slow down, get enough sleep and just relax!
Card 4 : Seventh Chakra – Arch Angel Uriel  (41) If you have been working on your spirituality and am wondering why you haven’t gotten much growth, it could be due to not having a strong foundation which starts at your base chakra, This card is reverse which tells me that those of you are not as connected to the divine as you could be. Don’t believe me? Try it. Spend this week working on your base chakra and see how your intuition improves, I’d love to hear how it goes for you so please, keep me updated ;) If you want to know how you can work to strengthen your base chakra, check out my previous blog post for some tips ;)

As always, I wish you all a wonderful week and be in the light!


Saturday, August 22, 2015

Healing your Base Chakra

This week, I am so happy to introduce to you all….

Healing the Chakras with your Angels!

I’m very excited to share this with you because I know it can greatly heal your life. My life’s work has been dedicated to angelic guidance so its natural that they have guided me to educate the world about how we can heal our chakras with their help. For many of you, Chakras may be something you have never heard of before, or maybe this will be your first hands on experience working with angels. Regardless of where you are on your spiritual and healing path, I am VERY confident you will find this weeks message to be very informative and healing.

In this weeks message I want to introduce you all to Arch Angel Sandalphalon and your Base Chakra. What exactly are chakra’s and what is a base chakra? The word “Chakra” means “wheel or circle." In our bodies, along our spines we have 7 spinning wheels - also known as chakras- also in other areas of our bodies we have mini chakras. My main focus will be on the Base chakra today. The base chakra is our root and its important we begin our healing work here first. In order to balance the rest of our system, we must have a firm foundation with our base chakra. Along our spines , moving upwards we have other chakras that serve a different purpose. A total of 7 completes the main chakra system.

            The base chakra is important to our overall health because it is the root of our system. It’s the energy that allows us to feel “grounded” and well connected. When we are well balanced and healthy in this area we handle stress well. We have a sense of security and do not have a lot of fears. Most importantly , those who are grounded with a healthy base chakra are very responsible; they pay their bills on time, get good grade, have good work ethic and are present in the lives, this means that they are not worried about the past or future but am able to focus on the now.

Base Chakra:
            Color: Red
            Location: Base of our Spin
            Angel that heals: Sandalphalon
            Purpose: Sense of our Security in the world. This is the chakra closes to mother earth.
            Body parts associated:  Legs, feet, Tail bone
            Gland associated : Adrenals – Regulates our stress hormones. This is where our Fight or Flight Response stems from.

Signs of an Unhealthy Base Chakra:
            - Messy or disorganized personality.
            -Lack of Responsibility – people who don’t pay bills on time.
            -Feet feel dirty
            -Legs ache ( carrying stressing in your legs is a sign that you are not grounded) 

Some things to ask yourself:
            “ Is my life a mess?”
            “Am I organized?”
            “In my closet, things are neat, or are they all over the place?”
            “Do I show up to work on time?”
            “When my family talks to me, Do I focus on the present or will my wander off to the past?”
            “Am I filled with anxiety?”
            “How do I handle stress? Do I find solutions? Or will I Run or hide from problems?
            “Are my bills paid on time?”
            “Is there food in my fridge? Do I feed my self things I love?” (Eating disorders and addictions are signs of a closed base chakra – not healthy)
            “Do I like the color red?” If you find you are opposed to it or hate it – You are not grounded.

 Arch Angel Sandalphalon and how he can help you heal your life.
            Who is he and how can he help you, that is a very good question! If you are still reading this its probably because he has brought you into connection with me. He is the master of Synchronicity. If you know me, you know I AM A BIG BELIEVER IN SYNCRONICITY-  ( this is when things are put in your path for a purpose – there are no accidents my friends) I’d like to inform you about 3 key sings you’ll know when your working with This particular angel.



On To the best part: How to heal your base chakra
The easiest way to heal to this chakra is through music. In mediation, find music that is very soothing that you enjoy. Everyone is different and you must find what works for you because  your vibration is different. Sandalphalon will help you heal your base chakra through the use of music because he will use music tones to “giggle” out that negative. All you need to do is set your intention, find your song, and relax. Music is a great healer, how many of you have listened to your favorite song and find that your body naturally moves to the rhythm of the beat? This happens because the music is sending good vibrations to you, and the movement allows you to “giggle the negative out” So go on ahead and find your favorite song, turn up real loud and just dance!
Another way you can heal this chakra is by wearing the color read, or focusing on something red like a red apple or red cherries and setting goals.

 “ Today, I will pay my bills on time”
“Today I will clear the clutter”
“Today I will go to work and give it 100%”

       I believe in mediation. I think it’s very healing and honestly, my life has changed tremendously because of it. You can invite Sandalphalon into your space during meditation to send you healing energy.
       Invoke this angel by repeating “ Arch Angel Sandalphalon, please heal my life” Repeat this over and over as it is a very good mantra that will allow you to get into a meditative state. Ten minutes a day will be enough, for those of you who wish to sit longer that is wonderful! You can also use the color red as your focus during meditation. Imagine the reddest apple you have ever seen and focus on that image or the work “red”.

Signs that your angels have heard your request for healings:
            At your pelvis, is your wheel of red ( base of chakra) A healthy chakra is the size of say a grapefruit. If you mentally picture your base chakra and you feel it is the size of a grapefruit that is good. If it feels smaller or larger continue to work on healing it.

            -Sandalphalon will send you signs that he has heard your request and is working with you to heal your chakra. These signs will come in the form of white feathers, the color turquois, Round red items that will remind you of your chakra. The biggest one he tells me, is through music! So pay attention to the sounds around you- Some of you he tells me, will start to hear in your heard “angelic chimes” it sounds like angels singing.

          - Pay attention to when you see the numbers 403 : this is a sign that you will greatly benefit from calling on your angels for healing. 

I wish you all the very best and I hope you find this information useful! Next week I will introduce you all to your Sacral Charka and Arch Angel Chamuel ;)



Thursday, August 6, 2015

Past Life Reading Revealed

Card one: Authority Figures:
In a past life you probably had issues with an authority figure and it could be in many forms, An over bearing mothering, an abusive father, You had legal issues with the law and what I’m really picking up is you had some form of oppression from a leader – some of you I feel may have even had lifetimes in “cul environments” where you didn’t really think for yourself and followed a leader. What ever you journey was in that life, in this life time you struggle with authority figures. You could be rebellious and break the rules or your probably very by the book and follow all the rules.

Card 2: Native American – Your connection to the animal kingdom and mother earth has really deep roots in the native American culture, you’ve spent one or several lifetimes here and in this life it would explain your love for nature. You probably enjoy the outdoors instead of the city life. Pick up some native traditions and you’ll find they bring you comfort and a sense of “home”

Card 3: Angels- You’ve worked with angels in many many life times before and your probably very interested and close to them now in this lifetime. I find that though who have “angel connections” never lose it- some may be awaken to it at later times then others, but we all get awaken to it eventually, if you pick this card it is a sign that you have awoken to your angel gifts this life time ;)

Card 4: Mother – Those who have selected this card, I want you all to pay VERY CLOSE attention to your own relationship with your own mother now. You two have spent other life times together. The nature of relationship shows us how you are balancing your karmas this life time. If you have  a great relationship with your mother, great job – it’s a good sign that you are open to receiving abundance. But, if you find you are faced with conflict and turmoil with your mother – this is a high indicator that you two have past life negative karma’s to work through. Its not about righting any wrongs but learning the lessons of forgiveness.

Card 5: Vows- Do you struggle with finances, love or self respect this life time? This past life is a good indicator that you played the martyr in another life and you are still stuck in that energy in this life.  But the past is the  past and this life time is this life now and you don’t need to keep those old vows from another life. Breaks those old agreements you made and allow your start fresh this life. You don’t have to be poor, loveless and depressed this lifetime, stop with the self pity and take charge of your life now.

Card 6: Persecution and inquisition- Those of you who picked this, have spent previous life times being persecuted for being a “witch” or maybe you were condemned for having your gift. You still have that gift in this life and this is a card is a sign that you have had these gifts in several life times. In this life we are safe to open ourselves up ( it’s the reason why I came out of the psychic closet) Its ok to have a gift and its welcomed in this Age of Aquarius! If you find need help with  your gift check out my soul coaching course. 

Sunday, August 2, 2015

7 of Wands and its message of Courage

Strength in Perseverance : The true meaning of Courage

Hello everyone! Oh my goodness I have been gone for quite a while haven’t I? I do want to apologize to you all my recent absence. Life took a big turn as I recently made some drastic changes in my living situation. If you have been following me, you know back in May I Sold my home and since then Everything has been all over the place, after weeks and weeks of madness, I’ve finally settled into my new home and am now starting to get my rhythm back with Tarot Business. I want to thank you all for sticking with me through all this !

7 Wands: Strength in perseverance
The 7 wands is a card of pushing through the tough times. No matter what happens, you have the strength and courage to make it to the end. You have a higher purpose and this card tells you not to give up and too keep going. It takes great courage to continue when things get hard. It takes a lot of will power and determination to stay on track especially when the road ahead seems hopeless.  For all of you today who are seeing this, I want you all to know that it takes courage for you to continue to pursue your dream in spite of all the obstacles being thrown your way.
 Please…. Keep going, follow your dreams, and most importantly follow your heart…

This week I want to talk to about Courage, and when I think of courage I think of the Lion from the Wizard of Oz…. This lead me to think about the Protected Lion that was recently killed by a “dentist” who was on a “hunting excursion” First let me open this can of worms with my two cents. I am a huge animal lover and for me, I can’t fathom why you would want to do such a thing for “sport” The fact that they “lured” this poor animal out of its protection is mind boogling…. But let’s take a step back and look at this from a “past life and soul contracts” point of view.

When we re-incarnate, we make pre-life decisions for experiences so that our soul can grow. It’s how our spirit evolves to an enlightened state… eventually…. Everything that happens to us… EVEVERYTHING. Happens for their to be a lesson to be learned. I don’t believe certain decisions are already pre determined, I believe when faced with a certain obstacle, we are given choices and how we choose to proceed will teach us either a good lesson, or a bad lesson, If it’s a bad lesson – we will have to repeat the obstacle until we get it right. This being said…. The lion and those who are involved in this poaching incident all have a soul contract with each other…. Although my soul is rattled by such a terrible event- ( I am a huge animal lover ) I understand there is a reason for such events. I hope that those involved have learned from this and in their next lesson they get it “right”
Cecil was known for his black mane, large size
and Powerful Demeanor. He was a popular
tourist attraction due to his friendliness to humans. 
He was well studied by scientist's and fathered 6 cubs.

       I truly believe that this one sacrifice had to be made to awaken others up for the greater good. Animal Poaching has been on on-going issue for many decades and we are just now starting to pay a bit more attention to it but still not enough… even with this incident of the Lion Cecil being killed we are not seeing the bigger picture – we only hear  “ Oh, a protected lion was killed- by a DENTIST” But miss the bigger message which is  “POACHING IS ILLEGAL!”  not only was this poor lion killed inhumanly ( – they shot it with an arrow and hunted it for 40 hours!) But they killed a lion who had several cubs. In the animal kingdom, when the leader Lion is killed, its cubs would be killed by the next rival. For a dwindling species that is a tragic lost. From my last check, those cubs are kept safe by another lion who also lead the pack with Cecil (thank god for that!)
         My message here is that not just any Lion was killed. I believe this was a great Lion that was brought here to touch the lives of many and to change the world. His death, I hope served a purpose in awakening others to the on-going issue of animal poaching. He was being studied by scientist, he was a huge Tourist attraction to Zimbabwe- this being because he was very friendly towards tourist and allowed people come close to him.  Many people responded to this outrage by attacking the dentist and forcing him to shut down his business, I found very little concern over the fact about poaching.  I don’t care about the dentist and making him “pay for what he did” because that serves no purpose in the higher good. Take a moment to think about that. Do we want to the punish those involved in this horrible crime, or would Cecil’s memory be better served by delivering the larger message that would help save all endangered species! The courage that it took for this lion to sacrifice its life for the greater good is immense!  And this is where my focus came to today when I pulled the 7 of Wands.

Damen Mander: Founder of :
International Anti- Poaching Foundation
operates in Africa

Two amazing people I truly admire are two ex-military men who have dedicated their life to animal protection and Anti-Poaching. Damien Mander is an amazing person who founded International Anti-Poaching Foundation and teamed up with his friend, Steven Mean – they have dedicated there to work to the preservation and protection of animals in African. Although Poaching is Illegal, people still go to immense lengths to do it. They will pay more, try harder and the scary part is they are not afraid of the law and will go to immense lengths to get a kill….  Review more if the Internal Anti-Poaching Foundations mission here