Thursday, August 6, 2015

Past Life Reading Revealed

Card one: Authority Figures:
In a past life you probably had issues with an authority figure and it could be in many forms, An over bearing mothering, an abusive father, You had legal issues with the law and what I’m really picking up is you had some form of oppression from a leader – some of you I feel may have even had lifetimes in “cul environments” where you didn’t really think for yourself and followed a leader. What ever you journey was in that life, in this life time you struggle with authority figures. You could be rebellious and break the rules or your probably very by the book and follow all the rules.

Card 2: Native American – Your connection to the animal kingdom and mother earth has really deep roots in the native American culture, you’ve spent one or several lifetimes here and in this life it would explain your love for nature. You probably enjoy the outdoors instead of the city life. Pick up some native traditions and you’ll find they bring you comfort and a sense of “home”

Card 3: Angels- You’ve worked with angels in many many life times before and your probably very interested and close to them now in this lifetime. I find that though who have “angel connections” never lose it- some may be awaken to it at later times then others, but we all get awaken to it eventually, if you pick this card it is a sign that you have awoken to your angel gifts this life time ;)

Card 4: Mother – Those who have selected this card, I want you all to pay VERY CLOSE attention to your own relationship with your own mother now. You two have spent other life times together. The nature of relationship shows us how you are balancing your karmas this life time. If you have  a great relationship with your mother, great job – it’s a good sign that you are open to receiving abundance. But, if you find you are faced with conflict and turmoil with your mother – this is a high indicator that you two have past life negative karma’s to work through. Its not about righting any wrongs but learning the lessons of forgiveness.

Card 5: Vows- Do you struggle with finances, love or self respect this life time? This past life is a good indicator that you played the martyr in another life and you are still stuck in that energy in this life.  But the past is the  past and this life time is this life now and you don’t need to keep those old vows from another life. Breaks those old agreements you made and allow your start fresh this life. You don’t have to be poor, loveless and depressed this lifetime, stop with the self pity and take charge of your life now.

Card 6: Persecution and inquisition- Those of you who picked this, have spent previous life times being persecuted for being a “witch” or maybe you were condemned for having your gift. You still have that gift in this life and this is a card is a sign that you have had these gifts in several life times. In this life we are safe to open ourselves up ( it’s the reason why I came out of the psychic closet) Its ok to have a gift and its welcomed in this Age of Aquarius! If you find need help with  your gift check out my soul coaching course. 

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