Sunday, August 23, 2015

Finding Balance this week

Finding Balance this week

In my recent Blog, I wrote about how important it is to first start our healing with our base chakra.  To compliment that information, I’d like to spend this week’s tarot reading on guiding you all on how you can best heal your very own base chakra. As I mentioned in my blog, everyone is different and not one technique will work for you all. This week you will see how different each person will be. Even if you have no idea what chakras are or you don’t believe in chakras, I’m sure you will find this weeks reading supportive in many ways. If you find you still need more support or help, please contact me @ too book your reading. 

Card one: Adjacent Possibilities (24) sometimes we become so set in habits that we find we get stuck. We have a hard time thinking outside of the box, or willing to take risk because let’s be honest, we get comfortable in our habits and it feels safe.  Fear is what keeps us in our little box. Fear is a sign that we have an unbalanced base chakra- this can stem in our real life in different ways such as :
-Are you stuck at a job you hate because your to afraid to take risk?
-Do you not deal with conflict because you rather brush it under the rug than to stir the waters?
-Do you stay in a bad relationship because your think you will never find someone better?
-Do you find comfort in habits and am afraid to change your routines?
Start by healing this area of your life by reminding yourself that the grass is always greener, when one door closes, a better one opens. I advise you all to take some risk, and just know that there are many ways and different possibilities out there to achieve a better life, you just have to be willing to take that leap of faith! For those of you who chose this card, I encourage you to face your fears, you don’t need to take action this week, just think about all the possibilities out there. Don’t limit yourself and stay stuck where you are because it feels comfortable. If you don’t take risk , you’ll never grow.

Card Two:  Journey (2) I’m excited for those of you who have picked this card because…. You are on the right path! I hope you don’t doubt yourself and if you do, just trust you are where you are suppose to be. The wonderful thing about the journey card is it shows me you have taken the leaps of faith you need and you are starting your journey. Your on the move and that’s wonderful! I’m sure you will find next weeks message on the Sacral Chakra will support you during your journey ;) My advice for those of you this week is to leave behind what no longer serves you. Pay attention to clutter this week – it could physical or mental clutter – what ever it is, make sure  you actively work on clearing that clutter so that you can take your journey with a light and not a heavy heart.

Card 3: Rest and Rejuvenate (19)As I mentioned, The base chakra is ruled by our adrenal glands – our flight or fight response system. Those of you who picked this card have been under extreme stress, you may not even realize it because you have gotten so use to it. I want you all to stop at this moment and reflect on your life these past few days, how many of you have been under a lot of stress, work too much, or find you can’t wind down because you can’t stop thinking…. Your adrenal glands are crying out that they are sooo fatigued that I want you to highly take this week message into extreme consideration and just rest. You must spend time this week for yourself and purposely take a break from life, slow down and take deep breaths. If you don’t you will find you will be exhausted or near a break down. Everyone has a breaking point, and for those of you who picked this card this week, please heed that warning – you are pushing yourself to hard and you need to rest. This week, slow down, get enough sleep and just relax!
Card 4 : Seventh Chakra – Arch Angel Uriel  (41) If you have been working on your spirituality and am wondering why you haven’t gotten much growth, it could be due to not having a strong foundation which starts at your base chakra, This card is reverse which tells me that those of you are not as connected to the divine as you could be. Don’t believe me? Try it. Spend this week working on your base chakra and see how your intuition improves, I’d love to hear how it goes for you so please, keep me updated ;) If you want to know how you can work to strengthen your base chakra, check out my previous blog post for some tips ;)

As always, I wish you all a wonderful week and be in the light!


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