Saturday, September 19, 2015

Raphael and the Heart Chakra

 This week I come to you all at a place that is from the heart, literally. Our heart is the center of what I call the “message center” it’s where we receive messages. How is that possible and why is it here. The heart is the message center because if we  are open we receive messages which we can then communicate through our throat chakra by speaking our truth, or we will feel safe and loved to express ourselves via the solar plexus charka. But… If we are closed off, nothing comes through and what begins to brew is the negative emotions of heart ache, lost and fear.

The heart chakra is mainly green, its secondary color is pink. I have met a few different people who believe that the heart is pink in color – I do not agree. Doesn’t mean I am wrong or they are wrong, it just means for me- the Heart vibrates at a green color. Not pink. Everyone is different so as you go through this, ask yourself what color vibrates best for you – green or pink?

                Why is color important? Wavelengths move at different rates for different colors – this is important to note because as we move up up chakras, our vibrations in our aura moves faster and faster. The faster vibration is needed when we are working on a spiritual and “in tuned” level. Not everyone wants to be that high and because of this, my blog this week is very simple. A high vibrating heart = good energy which in turns result in a powerful way to manifest. When we come from the heart – we are able to attract things that truly make us happy. Like attracts like!
What does the heart control? ALL OF YOUR EMOTIONS. Feelings of love and trust. When we have issues with this chakra will have emotions of jealously, fear, and unloved. We will also feel like nothing in life is working out and life just sucks -There is a disconnect between you and your heart and so nothing feels right - which leads to unhappiness. 

   Arch Angel Raphael is the angel of healing. If you are ever in need of a healing- He’s always there. Automatically – he is always by our side – waiting for us to ask for help.  Angel’s respect our free will therefore they cannot intervene to help us unless we ask for it.  His message is simple and clear. He is always with us and if you ever need a healing, just ask.
        When we ask for a healing, Raphael works mainly with the heart chakra. The heart is the            " mother hub " so to speak. If you want to heal your life- the healing starts here because Love cures all. I don't mean that in a cheesy way , I'm being very serious. Many times, we get hurt or have emotional scars the first we do is close off our heart center - this is a normal survival mechanism and we do this to "protect" our heart. When you are ready, you feel gentle nudges from Raphael.

His healings will come in different ways:
-          You get a bright idea
-          You feel its time to change your lifestyle
-          You want to be more healthy
-          Bad foods no longer taste good (you may crave it, but you no longer feel its tasty or worth it)
-          You will be encouraged or feel the need to “do” a certain thing. This happens to me often, as you all know I am a healer- I heal through my tarot readings and also by sending out healing energy during meditations. I have done this before and I will be doing one after I send this message out- all of those who are open to receiving this healing just need to say “Yes, I accept it” I am not the “healer” I am a conduit for the healings to be sent. When I send out healings, I’m just a body which energy of Raphael flows through.

Signs of Raphael-
        Of all the angels, he is on that has appeared in very odd ways. Just yesterday I was driving and parked in front of a car where their was a beat up old bear with angel wings sitting on a truck. Strangest thing I thought and then I realized it was a sign from Rapheal – as I said – he likes to send signs in odd ways. When you feel an angels presence but your confused as to who – Just think, It could be Raphael. He does like to come in “disguise” he is always with us, we just have to be aware.
Here is a photo I took of that Bear with Angel Wings .
Raphael showing me he is near. 
       He is a very powerful angel and emanates a green aura. He is often spotted in orbs- usually you’ll see a flicker of bright green light that flashes really fast before you have time to catch it. The orb moves fast because the angels are on a very high vibration. They flicker in and out all the time, when we raise our vibrations – even for just a second we catch those flickers.

                Caduceus is a medical sign often used by healing professionals. Sometimes you’ll see him send this as a sign although he tells me its rare- he would much prefer to use the fish as a sign. As I said- he is an odd angel, he doesn’t like to do what is expected of the “norm” He tells me likes to use the fish because in his healings he has used parts of a fish as part of his work.

I hope you all enjoyed this weeks message ;)


Check out a blog about a healing I conducted with Arch Angel Raphael in 2014  HERE

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