Sunday, January 8, 2017

5 Tips to improve your Intuition as a Tarot Reader

1. Follow your heart :
There are no rules! Do what feels right. Check out a few different styles and techniques and use them. You won't know if they're for you until you try them. Play with them and make them your own.

 2. Intention!
Be very clear about what you want to know. The more precise you are about your questions and the lay out, the clearer the reading will be. If you just lay 3 cards and ask " what is my message" This will be confusing as you won't have a clear understanding of how your are suppose to decipher the cards. The art of card reading is not memorizing the meanings but being able to decipher the card so that it applies to the question or position it is in. For example, the Tower in the past position will be very different to the tower in the future position. My point? KNOW YOUR LAYOUT. If you don't know, make sure you figure it out. Make it up! It doesn't matter, as long as you understand why that card is there. You'll find my 13 moons spread gives you very clear questions to follow.

 3. Love-
You must LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your cards. If you don't connect with them, you might as well say good bye to them. Your relationship with your cards is what builds your accuracy. You have to learn to trust their guidance and they in return must learn to connect with you. Once you have a deck of cards that you enjoy, fuse your energy with them, sleep with them under your pillow, carry them in your purse and use them ALL THE TIME. When ever I bring home a new deck I like to set them in with the "welcoming committee" Its a box with all my decks. It's their home, its like introducing a new puppy to the family.

 4. Be the avid Student-
Study your cards: I mean it. Look at them, analyze them and try to understand their story. Every deck has its own theme and story depending on the author and artist. And know their purpose is for you. No matter how long you've been reading the cards or how advance you think you are, the best way to approach the cards is as the student. If you knew it all, you wound't be using the cards. Treat the cards with respect and let them be your teacher and guide.

 5. Practice, Practice Practice
Why? because it builds TRUST. If you want to be an accurate reader, first and formost, you must accept and trust the messages being given. If you find you don't understand the meaning and your constantly pulling more cards, you need to revist #4. THE CARDS ARE NEVER WRONG MY FRIENDS, NEVER. I always trust that the card I'm being shown, some way- somehow is the answer i'm seeking. If i'm unclear, I will pull one or 2 cards for clarification. If I'm still at a lost, either myself or my cards need a good clearing. ( if you find you don't like your card and so you keep pulling cards to get the one you want, you must stop. This type of energy builds inaccuracy, inconsistency and just sets you up for bad habits) Once in a blue moon, I will get a client who will not accept my message and insist I pull another card and another and another, out of respect for my spiritual work and cards, I usually will not keep them as clients. That's how much I value and trust my cards.

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