Sunday, January 8, 2017

13 Full moons spread for 2017

Depending on the year, sometimes one month can have 13 full moons and other years it does not. It is why it’s called the 13 moons spread. This lucky and super energy filled 13th moon is often called the Blue Moon. During a blue moon the energy is magnified and is a perfect time to harness its magical power. Unfortunately we won’t get another blue moon until 2018, but no worries. You’ll have a great time working with this spread none the less.  For this year, use the 13th moon as a guide to what you need to let go this year. ( For me, Its a year to talk less and listen more, hence the reason I will be writing a book this year)

            If you’ve worked with me, you know I work closely with the cycles of the moons.  Majority of my life’s work has also been due to the ebb and flows of the moon. To keep things simple I’ll keep my focus only Full moons and what they mean to you. A full moon is a great time to let go of things that you no longer need. When you release energy, it makes room for new energy to enter your life and if you do it correctly, you can manifest so much abundance.

            Why is the full moon so beneficial?  The earths waters is controlled by the moon, when the moon is in close rotation, the oceans have stronger currents. I’m not sure about all the little details but from my understanding, it’s because of gravity.  Didn’t know that did you? The sun and Moon are responsible for the tides of the ocean. For some odd reason, I remembered this little lesson from elementary school.  As human beings, we are made up mostly of 60 percent water also- that’s a whole lot of water. Because of this, the moon also moves and affects our energies.  Ever heard how during a full moon people go crazy, Studies have also shown that Emergency rooms tend to be much busier during a full moon.

 How to do this Spread
To prepare for this reading, you must cleanse your tarot deck before you proceed. The reason for this is because you want to clear any energies it has picked up and you want to accept only the divine energy from your spiritual support team. It’s necessary to cleanse your deck every time for most tarot readings, but most defiantly if you will be doing this spread.

            To cleanse you can do it how you wish, if you need help I have 3 great techniques
     1.  During a full moon – leave your cards in the window or outside if possible so the moon can clear its energies.  

2.    Burn Sage over your cards. Sage is a great cleanser of negative energy. You can buy bundles of dried sage at any new age store or you can order them on amazon for a pretty reasonable price. find it on AMAZON here if you love to support local business and don’t mind spending a bit more, you can also find it on Etsy

3.  If you’re a crystal lover like me, You can place a crystal quartz crystal and a Carnelian crystal on top of your deck for 24 hrs. Quarts is an amplifier and carnelian is a great energy cleanser. Carnelian itself does a good job and I keep one with my cards in their home, but I also love to add to quartz to magnifies its effects. I really love the squeaky clean after I’ve done this.

            In this wonderful spread, I offer you a great way to release what no longer serves you. I hope you use it with this intention because that’s the goal of this spread. It’s not help you manifest a new career or find love, but if you let go of the energies that hold you back, you will find that manifesting a new career or finding love much easier!

ANYONE CAN DO THIS SPREAD! You don’t need a professional to do it, if you want one done for you, I’d be happy to help but please, try it out for yourself! I promise you this spread will not disappoint. All you need is:
1.      Deck of cards- tarot or oracles work fine either way
2.      If you have a printer great- if not draw the spread on paper in your journal
3.      The intention of clearing energy. It’s the only thing you should be doing during a full moon- RELEASING.  If you wish to manifest, keep an out for my February Newsletter where I will be discussing Manifesting Spreads.

What you can expect:
Each card placement will have the date of a full moon. Any card that is placed in this area will relates to you at that time, each season of the year will have a theme to help you with this understanding.  Each Full moon will have a purpose and you’ll learn that in this spread.  It’s really fun! In a separate file you’ll be able to download a free printable so you can write on! It’s a great way to do your own reading! Plus you get an idea of this reading flows because I’ll share with you, my very own 2017- 13 full moons spread! It’s so fun to see every ones reading so please, feel free to share! If you need help deciphering, please comment in this blog post below.
Note: this spread is based off of the full moon cycles for those of us on the Western hemisphere of the world, I’m in California. If you are not on this side of the world, you’ll need to figure out when your full moons arrive- it should be a day or two off.  No big deal but if you want to be precise, I advise you look it up.
Also* The reading will start with December 2017 to make the chart flow better. You’ll actually start your work with this spread on Jan 12.

 Example: My own personal reading

I used Collete Baron-Reid “Enchanted Oracle Map”  because it’s the deck that spoke to me when I was preparing for this reading. You can use any type of cards you wish. There is no right or wrong way to do it.
            I start with my center card, Listening,  during my full moon work, I must remind to listen more and talk less. Focus less on my mind chatter and learn to be still in silence so spirit can speak to me. I can’t hear the guidance if I’m not quiet.  This sets the tone for my whole year, I must spend my year learning to listen. This card is also an answer to my goals. This year I seek more success in my business and if I allow myself to be still, I will hear my guides guidance on the best steps to take.
            During the cold winter months, It’s a period for us all to rest and rejuvenate, I always think of the bear going into hibernation and this how the full moon speaks to me in these following winter months.  The energies I am being asked to release during this period has one specific goal- free up my energy so I can rest.
            I start my clearing with  Jan 12 full moon-  Encouragement- I will prepare myself the days coming up to release my anxiety of doing all this work on my own. I have to trust that my journey is fully supported by the universe and every step I’m being guided to take will take me towards success. As I’m contemplating this card, I’m being told “ cut back my hours at my day job, I need to rest more” I’m not being told to cut back my day job so I can dedicate more time and energy to my Tarot work, I literally need to work less all together and rest.  Home  card gives me a focus for February as I practice patience at home, I laughed when I saw this card as my home life is extremely challenging with a terrible toddler going through a very difficult time, I must remind self “ this too shall past” and when the February 10 arrives, I will sit in the moonlight and release all that frustration and pray. I know the reading starts with December, but we’ll come back to that.
            In the spring, we will plant seeds and watch at the flowers bloom. This season is all about new growth and that is exactly what we all want right? After coming out of hibernation, should be full of energy and life. We are being asked to purge the energies in the spring season to make room for great growth! Magical Power-  shows me as I awaken in March, I must release my worries. At the full moon, I will write down my concerns and release them and trust that my prayers will be heard. I am not asking for anything other then the release of my worries. As I prepare for April, Making a Choice – arrives. This card reminds of the encouragement cards message of cutting back work, in my physical world, I now must take that step and cut back my hours. If I want to harness the power of April’s full moon, this choice must be finalized.  Peaks of joy-  Shows me that I must go out and have fun, let go of this need to stay in to conserve my energy, it’s spring! GO OUT AND ENJOY THE FLOWERS! This May full moon is asking that I release my need to stay in my shell.
Summer is a beauty time for us to find out strength. The sun shines brightest and fills our aura’s with lots of energy. I plan to use these summer months to release things so I can be empowered. Unexpected Visitors- Shows me that my weakest trait is that I don’t plan. I’m not prepared for what the world is giving me. If I want to empower myself, Plan! It’s the number reasons why I invested in my planners! July is a magical time of year – it’s the month where the universe opens its doors for our dreams to be fulfilled.  Solitude- shows me that the key to my success is silence.  If I want to pursue my dreams, learn to be still.  Magical Stream- My biggest mistake is not understand that everything is related. The choices I made years ago, are manifesting themselves to day. I release this ignorance and I now understand every choice has a re-action.
            Of all the Full moons of the year, The harvest moon is my favorite. It’s the one I used to manifest my tarot business many moons ago. In the fall, it’s a time for us to “clean house” and declutter.  Septembers harvest moon Cleaning house- makes its presence. How funny is that? Accident? I think not. I often spend my September months clearing my house and physical space. I will sit still in my clean room and just breath in the new energy. The physical removal of “stuff” always feels so great.  I clean all the time, but during September I really get down to business. In October, be prepared to let an old part of you die. Literally, shed that old skin. My Coming to life- card is telling me to be like a butterfly in a cocoon.  Shed my casing so I can awaken. I must take a look a hard look at myself and say bye to a part of me that no longer exist. I wont know what to expect when October comes, but I’m sure some challenges are sure to entail as death is not an easy process. I know though, when this time comes, the challenges I will be faced with, I understand it’s because I need to let go that part of myself.  November, I am a firm believer in past lives, I know that I have made choices in another life that are holding me back now, if I want to empower my current life, I need to let go of the old bonds that chain me. The Bone Collector- reminds me that my past has no hold on me now or my goals. I was a killed in many past lives for my spiritual work and she is here to remind me that I must let go of those fears that is not my story this lifetime.  I am pretty open about my spiritual work yet at the same  time reserved out of fear.

            My year will end as where It began, in the winter months. Back to sleep into hibernation I will go as I prepare for my next cycle of 2018.  I say goodbye to 2017 on Dec 3 as I enter the ghost lands.  I know my story, my challenges of 2017 will stay exactly there, in the ghost lands, the land of 2017. I can enter 2018 with so much love and joy because I only bring great forces with me. 

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