Sunday, January 15, 2017

5 Ways to Battle Negativity

5 Ways to Battle Negativity
1.       Walk away. I can’t tell you all how much this simple step can be such challenge at times, yes is probably the most effective first step. It’s why I’ve placed it at the top. When You Make that first Conscious step to walk way, your listening to your inner guidance system. When you are around negativity, your body will feel it right away, there is no 5 second delay- you will automatically know. Most people choose to ignore these signs continue to stay in bad situations. Regardless of who are you are with, if you feel their negativity- walk away! 

2.       Friends Connection: Facebook, Instagram, your own personal phone book-  Don’t allow negative people to enter your space, if you have people on your friends list who like to share negative things- unfollow them. Ignore their comments, I can’t tell you how many people will get really upset because they misread a text or a comment or a post. Do yourself a favor and DON’T ENGAGE.  Someone made a negative remark- Don’t engage, ignore it. If you feel the need to say something- Your are opening yourself up to being attacked. Why do that to yourself?

3.        Get Enough sleep. When we don’t get enough rest, our nerves are shot and we are much more irritable. We’re tired, we’re cranky. We will react in a way that we don’t want to. Do yourself a favor, if you’ve had a long day, turn off your phone, don’t watch the news, and just rest.

4.       Surround yourself in positive energy. Make sure you love what you see. Have beautiful images in your phone and in your home that keep your spirits high. If you have something you don’t like, but you keep it because you might need it? Toss it, it’s just useless junk if you don’t love it.

5.       Crystal Protection: First off, the main question I get all the time about crystals is  “ DO THEY REALLY WORK” – and I will tell you with 110 percent confidence- YES! The key is to find ones that serve your purpose.
                                                ·   MY GO TO CYSTALS FOR NEGATIVITY

a.       Black Tourmaline : Is my number one crystal for negativity. It’s very gentle, yet very effective.  This is a protective crystal. It shields you aura and puts up a protective shield so that negativity cannot attach to you.  If you are around lots of negative people or feel like your being “attacked” carry this crystal.

b.      Tigers Eye:  This crystal will keep you grounded in chaos and high stress situation. If you work in a very busy environment, work more then one job, or just very busy person, use this crystal. It will Keep your energy clear and calm. I will often recommend this crystal to mothers also because when you have more than one child, things at home can sometimes be chaotic.

       c.       Amethyst: Is a very pretty purple crystal. It’s one that most of you will recognize as it is very easily found.  This crystal is a talisman for those who choose to work with it. It will protect you against others negativity by taking others negative thoughts and returning them to the universe. It’s a healing crystal so it will also help remove your own negative thoughts and energy and recycles that energy into the universe.

All these crystals are easily available at your local metaphysical store.

You can also purchase these online, I would highly recommend you check out if you choose to purchase crystals. 

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