Monday, January 30, 2017

How Can I attract my Soul Mate

This Months Daily Dose of Inspirations is all about attracting the right Soul Mate. Before you proceed with your answers, please make sure that you only PICKED ONE CARD. Some people will want to pick more than one card and that will set you up for confusion. If you are drawn to more then one card, your ego is trying to confuse you, close your eyes and ask your angels to guide you to one card.

This week I had many request about finding their soulmate.  I'd like to share with you all that we have many soul mates in our life and its not just one perfect love in a lifetime.  Most people want to find that perfect love story but in order for us to attract our soul mates, we must first work on ourselves so that we are ready for them when they arrive. This reading is not designed to show you where you can find the love of your life. Instead... It will offer you guidance on what blockages you have currently and what you can do to open up so that you can attract your soul mate.

1. Four of Cups Reversed: those of you who are drawn to this card, Maybe love hasn't worked out so well for you in the past and you may be feeling like love is hopeless. This card is a message to not lose hope. When you think of love remember to focus on the cup being half full and  not empty. We will attract the energy we give out so if you feel like love is hopeless, you will have a very hard time attracting the love of your life. If you are currently in a relationship- this card could  be a sign that you are focused too much on the negativity of the relationship- change your energy by shifting to being grateful- focus on the good stuff in your partner and you will shift your love life.

2. Ace of Pentacles: Your ability to manifest love in your life is closer than you think. This card is a grounding one. Its one that reminds you that the love you wish to manifest is already with in you. Don't dwaddle off into LALA land and think about fairy tales. Instead, think about who you are and what you NEED in a lover. This is a card about you bringing to fruitation what you NEED.  Be very clear at this moment about what you need in a soulmate and you'll will find that the journey to meeting that person is sooner then you think .  You are ready to be matched with your soul mate and you just need to let the  universe know what you want so that she can put the balls in motion for you two to cross paths.  If your in a relationship- you will benefit by getting clear in what you need with your partner.

3. Five of Wands :This card shows me for those of you who are single, You will have some interesting encounters with people.  You'll probably date a few frogs before you meet your prince or princess. Have no worries as this is a time for you to date around and find what you like. This card is showing that you are not sure what you want or need in a partner so the universe would like to go through some experience to create your  perfect mate.  If your not dating, this card is encouraging you to get out of your comfort zone. Those of you who are in a relationship- you may find that the current challenges you are faced with are only minor and things will resume peace shortly.

4.  The Fool : Did you see my newsletter? If not, check out my newsletter for messages from the fool. The fool is here to guide you to close your eyes, ask for love, and when you open your eyes- just do what ever guidance you receive. It could be " leave the current relationship, seek couples counseling, start dating, work on self improvement, take a class, get a new job, make new friends" what ever the guidance is- just trust it. The fool is a message that he will take you on a journey to find your soul mate, but first you must learn to trust him and go where ever he leads.

I hope you all enjoyed this reading. If you love my work and want to keep in touch for future great stuff please sign up for my newsletters at

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