Thursday, October 30, 2014

Questions for Cyndee ???


So there are many questions that have been asked, and to make my blog more organized and straight to the point, I will categorize the questions, that way those of you can what you need and move on, and for others who have more time, you can read it all and enjoy;)


Channeling: This was asked by many people so I'd like to discuss it first.

    How can I channel the angels and guides?

In order to channel effectively you really need a strong foundation. Many people are quick to jump to channeling without doing all the preliminary work necessary to prepare you for the journey. Its like driving a car, you must learn the mechanics of the car before you drive it, where are your brakes and mirrors and what do the all the street signs mean. Same thing with Channeling. You first need a strong foundation where you have a clear understanding of the process. You need to understand the chakra system, levels of dimensions in your aura and who you want to channel. By having a strong foundation, it makes you to be better and more accurate intuitively. Some have said to me, they have a hard time channeling, my question to them is always, what is your foundation, what work have you done before you channel. In my 6 week course, I teach people the foundation, I don't train them how to be "psychic" there for I do not teach them how to channel, but I have given them a very foundation to which, as their journey progress and they wish to pursue the psychic path, it will be easy for them to connect.

What do I think you need in order to channel?

    -Your energy must clear of stagnant energy. You must become a clear vessel yourself before you can channel high energies. If you are blocked or your energy is clogged, you will find that your information is in accurate and your experience can be exhausting.

    -Understand who it is you are channeling and where you are getting your information. There are many different ways we get information, You can connect to a higher realm where you connect with guides or angels and other higher beings, you can access akashic records which are your souls book of life, or you can read the aura and get information there, are you channeling spirits of lost loved ones? Or are you getting information. You must focus – Who are you channeling and where are they?

    -Your mind must be silent: You must be able to silence the ego and the daily stress. You must learn to "turn off" and "turn on" I can promise you that If you don't learn to silence your ego, you will not be able to channel. The ego tends to be the culprit of blockages. You must learn to be still. Mediation is great, Getting lost in thought as you focus on a hobby is great and journaling is fantastic. As a matter of fact, I teach people to journal. If you want to connect, you must be willing to sit down everyday and journal. Understand that when you do this, you are making an appointment with your higher self and guides. If you miss your appointments you are telling the spiritual world you are not serious.

    Chakras : If you don't know anything about chakras, now is a great time to learn about it. You don't have be fully aware or have a whole lot of understanding about them, but you will need to become aware of your very own system so you can correctly draw on the energy that is needed when channeling.    

How do you channel Cyndee? First I set up appointment times when I am to channel. I make appointments with my guides to let them know, hey – its time to get down to business. I then sit and quiet my mind and balance my chakras. I place my protection bubble around me and ask that only high vibrational energies connect with me (It is why I work with angels, they are the highest of the vibrations) And then when I feel I have securely grounded myself and am connected to the universal energy, I start my reading sessions which is channeling. The most important ingredient here is really, TRUST. You must learn to just trust your intuition. It's the back bone of channeling. Without trust, there is no connection.

How do I connect with my angels: SIMPLE. JUST ASK. Angels always come when called. If you can't connect it's because you need a stronger foundation and or there is a lack of Trust and Faith.

How do you know what angel you are channeling? I get signs as to who is working with me or who is offering me inspiration. Gabriel will show me a gold feather pen. Chamuel will shine a silhouette shimmering of green an pink aura – it reminds me of a peacock and flamingo. Pathiel shows me a golden treasure chest. Michael I often see his sword radiating blue light. Raziel will come to me looking like Merlin the wizard. LOL! So it's important for me to share that I don't always see them in their physical form, they show me signs and symbols in my mind's eye.

How do you communicate with angels? Telepathically. In my life time, I have physically heard the angels 3 times, loud and clear outside of my physical body. It terrified me to death. So now we communicate telepathically.


Spirit Guides: How many do we have and how can I get their name?

    When you are born, you have one or two (rare) Master guides. They are with you your whole entire life. They are there to guide you on your path. You also have other guides that come and go into your life as needed. When you are facing a new challenge and in need of extra guidance you will often find a new guide step in , that specialize in that area. Once you have completed your challenge that guide will move on, but your master guide Is always present.

You can get their name through help of guided mediation or simply quiet your mind and ask. Some people have a hard time connecting because of blockages. You may want to get the help of a professional to clear your energy. But honestly, the name does not matter to your guide, you can name them whatever you want. Just as long as you call on them. If you are someone who would prefer that your guide gives you a name, you can either access it through guided mediation or ask for a sign. Once you ask for signs, they almost always come. You just need to be aware and be willing to accept it. Many people brush signs off as a coincidence. What a shame it is because those people miss so much.

Try it right now, this very moment as your reading this. Take a few deep breaths and really be in the moment, nothing else in the world matters right now, its just you in this space. Ask your guide, What is your name, and see what name pops in your head. Trust that information you have received.

You can have a guide for absolutely anything. We have Joy guides, guides who help us find lost things, guides who help us with our children, or if you need figuring out a problem like cooking a meal and you can't cook. You can defiantly ask for a loved one who has crossed over to help you, but just make sure they are able to complete the task. You don't want to call on your grandfather who never cooked a day in his life when you should be calling on your grandmother who was a master chef.

Who are your guides and how did you connect with them? I have a master guide, is name is George, a psychic once told me his name was Resserac, but I didn't like it, so I call him George. He is a Tibetan monk with piercing blue eyes. When I see him its always in my minds eye and not psychical eyes. He usually in his rob and I never see him speak, our communication is telepathically. I also have Catherine, she is my guide in my mediumship work. She came to me when I began my professional career and her voice is very distinct- she has an Australian accent. When I hear her I know it is her because when I try to talk with that accent, it doesn't feel right, it's not me. I know when I get that Australian accent chattering in my mind, I know it is Catherine. I don't know what Catherine looks like, I can only feel and hear her.

I know you can shield yourself to help with not taking on other people's energy. But can you do anything regarding merging? If you are being taught how to shield correctly you should not be merging with anyone else aura. If you a haven't been taught, you can do simply by pulling your aura inwards towards your body and confined with in the bubble. You want to draw your energy inwards through your solar chakra. Some psychics merge their auras with the clients to get readings, you can do this, but you want to be able to clear their energy from your own or else you will become very exhausted. I personally don't recommend this technique because I wouldn't want anyone in my aura. Sometimes its ok to merge such as in a love relationship where there is a positive exchange of energy.


Am I A Healer? If you are asking, you defiantly are. Only healers will ask this question when they start to become awaken. If someone tells you you are a healer, and you don't agree. You may not be ready to be awaken yet, as psychic and intutives – we tend to see other healers. If you find people come to you to fix things, or to vent or always needing your help, those are signs of a healer. Those who complain are the ones who need healing.

How soon after one passes on can they make contact with us? This varies from person to person and there really is no "time frame" for it. It just depends on the spirit and the person being contacted. I personally don't offer mediumship readings until 3 months time has passed. This is my ethical issues with the grievance process. I believe when if you do it to soon, the living person is not ready and can hinder the message. I always wait 3 months to allow the living person to process what has happened.


I know God has a plan for everyone do the angels know Gods plan for everyone? YES. The angels are messengers of god. They are here to help us on our path. But they cannot help us unless we call on them.


I talk to my guardiƔn angel all the time, but I can't say I see or hear a response. Am I doing it wrong? I just talk like I was speaking to a dear friend. You are communicating with your angels, you just need to be patient and allow your mind to quiet to here their response. They are showing me you tend to talk in an "Ego state" therefore you don't hear them when they respond. You ego speaks for them. Remember that angel communication is done telepathically and through moments of inspiration. When you get a light bulb moment or a great idea, know that that is your angel's communicating with you giving you great ideas. Epsom salt baths will help you remove stagnant energy around your ear chakras so you can hear clearly.


Do my grandkids Lytrel and Emalise have angels watching over them. All children have angels watching over them.

 I would love to channel my Angels. How do I begin? Starting making time for yourself and doing that you love, during that period where you are very relaxed you can ask your angels to communicate with you and bring your signs that they are in deed there. You will start to see physical signs arise such as seeing the number 44, or 444 or seing WHITE feathers. You may even see actually images of angels. You want to have fun and be relaxed. Mediation puts pressure and stress on the person because they expect something to happen, there for blocking the process so I always like to recommend people focus on what they love. Journaling is also a great way to communicate with angels. Write down what you wish to get help for an then burn it. This is a symbolic ritual more for yourself then connecting the angels. The moment you decide to write to your angels, they are with you.


How do I have the angels help manifest positive life happens and success Call on Angel Pathiel. He takes your desires and disperse them in the universe and retrieves your desires. And simply ask. You must also practice what you preach. If you want positive, you must live positive. I often meet people who are kind at heart but speak harshly. You want to walk the walk and talk the talk.


How to be more aware of spirit? Meditation. There really is no short cut. If you wish to connect with spirit you must learn to silence the chatter of life.


Personal questions about me:

What tarot deck you prefer? When working with live real clients I will use John Hollands Psychic tarot because the image is very easy to understand or I will use Doreen Virtue Angel tarot. Her deck has the meaning written on the card for the person who is getting the ready can understand the message. I find it best using cards people can relate to as it builds trust. When I'm alone doing personal readings or emailed readings I use "The truth seekers tarot" which is Marseille version of tarot. I prefer Marseille because it works best with my intuition. Many people will disagree that John Hollands deck is not a tarot deck, but I have to disagree, if you understand the symbolism and message of each card in tarot, you will be able to use John Hollands deck easily, I find it a lot easier because it does not contain 10's or the Court cards.

How did you know you were a medium? When my grandfather was dying, I went back to visit him. My cousins and I were all sleeping on the floor of my aunts home, when I woke up late one night to see my grandmother who had passed years before, standing in the hall way smiling, because had all come together. She enjoyed see us all united. I saw her clear as day except she was not a 3d image, there was translucency. It was during this time I knew I had something, I just had no clue what. Years later when my precious dog passed away in March of 2014, I had a mediumship session conducted that brought me healing and from then on, I journeyed into a professional career. As a kid, I was the only child of 5 siblings that was always afraid. I would always hear chatter in the vents and knew my house had ghost. I also spent a lot of time talking to myself. I didn't have imaginary friends. I just talked to my self a lot, looking back now, my spirit guide George tells me I have always spoken to spirits, I just didn't know.


What is the different between Psychic and Medium? All mediums are Psychics, not all psychics are medium. VERY IMPORTANT TO DIFFERENTIATE. Not that one is any better than the others, it's just two completely different skills. A medium Is able to raise their vibration to access the spirit world and communicate with spirits. A psychic will read the person they are with and pick up information that is relevant but they do not communicate directly with the spirit world. A medium will talk to you grand mother and be told that she loved cookies, a psychic will see in your aura, your life and a image of your grandmother eating cookies. Does that make sense? A psychic can see your future and access your past, some mediums can't – some only talk to the dead. If you want to connect with a loved one who has passed, seek out a medium. If you are need help in your current life, seek a psychic.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Tarot Tuesday October 2014

from Collete Baron-reid "The Enchanted Map" oracle

Card : Deep Freeze
           Right now, Don't do anything. If you are thinking about making any plans , decisions or changes, this card brings you a message to do absolutely nothing. Allow things to calm down. Right now is not the time for you to react. Instead, take a time out and go read a book or find some other hobby to distract you. Remember that everything has its season, and right now you are in period of winter where it calls for you to rest, if you struggle with this, think of the bear who goes into winter hibernation to be fully awaken and ready for the world in spring.

Card: Sacred Pool:
          You are most likely being drawn to this card because you are disconnected to your self. You are not being true to who you are, are you putting up a mask to fit others expectations. Are you doing things for others and not enough for yourself. This card is telling you that in order for you to be a light in others, you first need to light that fire with in yourself. Spark that fire so that you can share your light with the world.

Card: Ride the Wave
         I love this card! It is such a wonderful card and brings such a great message, simply put it - JUST RIDE THE WAVE - go with the flow. You can't resist what life throws at you, so why fight it?! Just throw yourself in the water and allow the waves to take you where you need to go. The water is symbolic of our emotions and the waves are our intuition. So what does this card tell you? Follow your heart, it will always lead you to where you need to be.

If you wish to book a reading, please contact me here

Angel Message in regards to life for October 2014

Card : 3 of Pentacles
    If you have chosen this card for yourself, The Angels has a wonderful message for you! You will be achieving some sort of reward for you work and diligence. Have you been working towards some sort of goal? This card brings forth a message that you will be able to reap what you have been sown, although it may not be a big reward, it is enough for you to know that you are on the right path and all you have done up until this point has been towards a goal. You are doing a great job! Keep up the good work.

"We want you to know that we acknowledge your due diligence and this is a message that we have heard your prayers,
have faith, for good things are to come." – the Angels.


Card : Five of Cups
    Simply put it, your life just sucks right now. Does it really suck? NO! It's just how you perceive it. You may think things are not going well, when in fact you are only focusing on the smaller part of the whole, take a moment too look around you. Are you truly in a bad place? This card brings a message that you are focusing too much on the cup being half full. Count your blessings and focus more on the good in your life and you will able to shift the energy in your life. If you have a hard time, simply say this prayer below,

    " Arch Angel Uriel please help me judge this situation truthfully. Allow me to see the brighter side of this dilemma. "

Card : Seven of Cups
    A few days ago I posted a card of the day in regards to this 7 of cups. When you get a chance, check it out HERE. This card seems to be in the air a lot lately this week, and this is the card of "LALA LAND" the message the angels are showing me here as that many of you who are drawn to this, have not been "awoken" you are still living a life where you are not speaking your truth, you may want to be in truth, but to be in truth is to truly live it. This brings a message of encouragement to walk the walk, and not just be all talk. If you are wanting good things to happen, first take action. Don't be afraid for you have the strength of the angels behind you.

    "As we walk this earth with the human race, we are always near and within reach, you only need to ask and we will be there." –The Angels

If you wish to book a reading, please contact me here

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Heal Your Heart Set

I am so happy to announce the long awaited “Heal your Heart” Set.
This set was channeled through Arch Angel Chamuel. It was during my sessions with him that he inspired me to create something to help those heal from broken hearts. Many of my clients come to me seeking guidance after a love relationship gone south, after my readings, I wanted to offer something more. I knew my readings brought some sort of relief but it wasn’t enough to satisfy the healer in me, and so I asked my guides “What more can I offer my clients to help them heal?”
                Ask and you shall receive.
                That is my message for you all. With the angels all we need to do is ask, and then listen for the answer.
                I am so happy to be sharing this beautiful gift to you all at such an affordable price. Upon my research, my guides brought forth to me an amazing supplier which allows me to maintain my price of this set at the cost of :
                            $40.00 + Shipping

                Included you will receive :
4 Rose Quartz Crystal
 1 Crystal Quartz Crystal
 1 Black tourmaline Crystal.
Instructions on how to place these crystals in a crystal grid to maximize their effectiveness. We have energy centers with in our bodies that can be amplified with the aid of crystals. Crystals for centuries have been used for healing modalities and have in fact proven to be helpful.

4 Guided Mediations:
10 Min Heart Balance
Heal your Heart Mediation 1hr
Energy Space Clearing for your heart 1hr
Love yourself ½ hour (this mediation can be amplified with the use of Epsom salt but not needed)

Each set will be blessed and include a message from the angels.

I currently have limited quantities. 6 Available now, the rest will be back ordered until next week.
I Items will be shipped upon receipt of payment.  Shipping is calculated depending on location.
Please email me for your custom order

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Energy Vampires , Psychic Attacks and Psychic Protection

I had a client ask me this week, "Are curses real, can you really curse someone?" I was very honest and straight forward with her and said , "Yes, absolutely. But… You can protect yourself from this. Just because it's possible, doesn't mean it isn't preventable." What I said was absolutely true to my belief. Can people really curse you, Yes they really can. Can you stop this? Of course. By becoming aware of the energy around you, you can most defiantly "block" the bad juju. I want to share with you all the difference between psychic attacks and energy vampires. You must become aware of how different each are so that you can protect yourself accordingly.
What are Energy Vampires?
    Energy Vampires are people who feed off of your good vibes and positive energy. They literally drain you. They will leave you feeling exhausted, negative and simply put it, drained! If you are able to see or sense the aura, you will notice that if we are not well protected, there are areas of vulnerability where your energy is not protected and they are able to "suck the life out of you." Physical signs include : exhaustion, headaches and always tired, sleeping a lot, lazy due to lack of energy. How you can figure out who these energy vampires are – They are very negative people, People who complain and say not so nice things or not so nice people. I can see an energy vampire a mile away because of their energy aura. They will come across as selfish people – who are only focused on themselves and what is best for them. They are the complainers – they complain about everything and anything.
  • Angry people
  • Complainers
  • Jealous and Envious People
  • People who play the "Victim" " I can't do this, my life is so horrible – they are the people who are searching for sympathy"
  • People who "judge"
  • Drug addicts and Alcoholics or anyone with an addiction
  • Depressed people tend to be huge drainers – they tend to be "needy"
  • People who instill "fear" – anytime you feel "fearful" you are near an energy vampire
  • Anxiety
What if you're the energy vampire? Become aware of your energy and focus on the positive. If you tend to complain a lot, replace your complaints with positive affirmations. If you are angry and jealous – find healthy outlets for your negative energy – go for a walk and work on yourself. Focus on positive thoughts and look at the world from a place of love. When you are in a positive mind set, its very different to also be negative. It takes times and is a learning process. You have to deliberately want to change your bad habits and the first step is to become aware of it.

What Are Psychic Attacks:
    Psychic attacks are very different from people who are energy vampires. But Energy Vampires are usually the ones who send you psychic attacks. Not all energy vampires will give you psychic attacks so please be aware of the differences. A psychic attack is when someone is deliberately sending you negative energy to wish you harm. I often see this on an energy level as someone having "swords in their back" or their eyes "shoot daggers" this commonly they look of jealousy and envious. You will know you have gotten a psychic attack when:
  • Nightmares
  • You have physical pain in your body – body aches (comes from psychic daggers being thrown at you)
  • Headaches
  • Fear – you feel "threatened"
  • Anxiety (after you leave the person, your body is on high alert causing you anxiety –( I often see this in psychics who place fear in their clients)
  • Curse – yes they can happen
How can You protect your self :

I most often find that we have energy vampire's with people in our family or with people we can't cut off. In that case what you want to do is avoid this person when they are in a negative space. If you allow yourself to become a listening ear to those who complain, you are just asking to be drained. Don't allow yourself to fall victim to this because they are you mother or brother. Just because you love them, doesn't mean you have to enable that kind of behavior. It is HEALTHY AND OK for you to walk away when they are being draining. What you can do is excuse yourself from the situation and send them white light of love. I like to tell my clients to picture themselves sprinkling white glitter all over their negative loved ones. You can't fix them, you can only learn how to be around them. ( Do not engage in the negativity by becoming a sympathetic ear or agreeing with them – those of you who like to "gossip" I highly recommend you stop. )

Cutting of the Cords: When you have been around people who have drained your energy, they have on an energetic level attach themselves to you through a cord and it is through this cord that they suck the positive energy out of you, leaving you feeling drained. It's important that you learn to "cut the cords"  When you cut these cords is only cuts the cord of negativity. You can do this simply by saying "Arch Angel Micheal, Please cut the cords that no longer serve me. " You will notice shortly after this that those negative people will disappear from your life.  I have lost friends during this process, it is not an easy thing to go through and accept, but I have learned, that those who are no longer in my life after i have the cut the cords - it was for the best. 

    Imagination is key with these next techniques. If you can picture it , you have done it.
  • Protection bubble – this bubble covers your whole entire body and there are no openings, you can also place this bubble over other people
  • Mirror : Picture a mirror in your hand and when you feel some ones bad vibes being sent your way – point that mirror so the energy they send you gets sent back to them.
  • Shielding : You do this with the bubble around your aura, but you can also place a protective armor around your psychical body for extra added protection.
  • Wall of protection. Immediately put up a solid concrete wall in front of you so that they can't see you.
Physical Protection:
Crystals are the most significant way I have been taught by angels and guides to protect my energy on a physical plane : Although there are many different ones out there you can use. I have been taught that aventurine and black tourmaline are the greatest protectors. Aventurine protects our heart center and black tourmaline absorbs negative energy around us.
  Salt baths : Epsom or Sea Salt : 1 cup for 45 min. bath soak. The salt draws out negative          energy from out aura so that we can better improve our protection.

Angels : Physically out loud calling upon arch angel Michael. " Arch Angel Michael, Please come to my aid and protect me." You will notice shortly after a sense of peace. When the angels are invoked they always show up.
If you would like more information, read this blog I wrote about how we can be more positive in a world full of negativity: How to be Zen in an Unzen world

What if I have been Cursed: this is not my area of specialty. if this has happened to you, I would recommend you seek out a Shaman. A shaman is someone who works with the spiritual world and energies and can help you lift a curse. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Kids with the Psychic Gift and how to deal with it


      I had some interesting conversations with some of my clients these last few weeks about wither I felt their kids were "psychic" or not. This being such a popular topic I decided to right a blog and share my insights and tips on how to deal with kids who are indeed psychic. I was born very special myself, this coming across in my physical body to only confirm that I am in deed "different" ( I Don't like to use the term "special" because it feels to me that being special makes you better than others, and I don't believe that anyone is any better than the next, we are just different). As a child I had birthmark on my belly that would change colors. My mother was told by a "fortune teller" that when my birthmark turned red, it meant that our family would lose money, and when it turned green, it meant that money would come in. Was this true? I have no clue, my mother doesn't talk about it. I do remember how ever as a child they often looked at my stomach to see what color my birthmark was. I no longer have the birth mark. Aside from the birthmark, I was also born with only one kidney – which later in life reeked havoc on my health and was an alarm that awoke me up spiritually. (I off course, brush it off and it wasn't until the passing of my little dog that I accepted my gift and pursued my life as a professional intuitive.)

    Being a mother of two boys myself, I can tell you first hand, that not all children are "psychic" per-say. Some may be more intuitive then others. And then yes, you have some who are born with the "veil" lifted – this allows them to be very in touch with the spiritual realms. My oldest child, is very intelligent, I've always felt that he was very intuitive and an old soul. He seems to be older then he really is. But, he doesn't have the gift of sight like my self. He is just very "intuitive." Children who are highly intelligent are what I like to call "Gifted" It's my understanding, that their light bulb moments and high intelligence comes from them being very in-tuned to their Master guides. You may also hear or feel like your child is an "old soul" and it true. They are intuned to who they use to be and hence they know a lot.
    My youngest I will tell you, will be the one to carry on my spiritual work, he is a very "psychic" kid. It wasn't until I did numerology on my children that my suspicions were confirmed. Of both my boys, it's the youngest that is highly psychic. How do you know that your child is Psychic? Psychic children are very strong willed – I MEAN VERY! They know what they want. And this is because they are very connected with their high self, their soul. As children they are also a bit more clingy and attached. Psychic kids are intelligent but are also insecure because they are aware of their environment and absorb the energy with in it. They may seem wary in public settings and this is because they can feel others vibrations and if it doesn't gel well with them, they will stick close to their protectors (parents and other loved ones) these children do best with routine and schedules. It gives them a sense of normalcy in a world of chaos. They tend to say very amazing things. They have this glow about them. Don't believe me, picture your child and other children. Do you notice a difference in energy?
They can be very sensitive due to the empathy in them. Autistic and ADHD and ADD children are also psychic kids – they are highly empathic and get over stimulated on a psychic level and their bodies will react to tell you which end of the spectrum they are on. Autistic children pick up a lot and get sensory overload so they tend to withdraw themselves. They don't like eye contact because the eyes are the gateway to the soul. They do not know understand how to handle this so they shy from eye contact. ADHD absorb a lot of energy have no idea who to express is so they get fidgety and loss focus. Spirutally they are being given this information and in the physically world they are experience something completely different so they go back and forth between two worlds – this is why they are fidgety and can't sit still.
    Imaginary Friends: Who are they? Simply put it – Spirit guides! If your child has an imaginary friend, rest assured it may be imaginary to you, but they are very real to your kids. Children naturally have great positive energy and will attract positive energy to them. It is when they are in a negative environment that attracts negativity. Some people get afraid when their kids speak of having "imaginary friends" but it the protectors own fear that it is bad energy. If we look at this in a positive way, we can be more accepting and welcome good energy and not bad ones. I was raised to believe anything supernatural was evil and so I spent my whole terrified of natural instincts. Anytime I felt a spirit I was deathly afraid. This took many many years to undo. So please, If you feel your child is psychic or has a "gift" please do not be afraid. It does a lot more damage to the psychic child later on in life. We cannot run or hide from own naturally ability. Children who raised to "shut it down" will resort to depression, addictive behaviors and simply put it – a problem child.
    Babies who seem to see "spirits" probably do. If you are concerned you can ask the spirit to leave if it does not have good intentions. By spiritual law – If you ask it something, it has to do what it's been told. If you feel the spirit is being deceptive, ask for truth and it will be revealed. Babies are naturally born with the "veil up" and are very intuned to the spiritual world. As children get older, the veil begins to lower itself and eventually closes if they are not allowed to let their gifts thrive. At about 6 or 7 children start to lose touch with their natural gifts. Around 13-15 you may notice the "problem" years because they being awoken spiritually. They never really lose the gift, it goes into "hibernation" How they decide to pursue their gifts when they get their calling will determine their level of happiness. The "veil" is this child's third eye or psychic eye. When they are born, this third eye is open and through the years if they are not allowed to thrive it will start to close. If you were very psychic as a child, but now blocked as an adult, you may need to clear your chakra system and balance them and retrain yourself.
    "Well Cyndee, How do I know my child isn't playing with a bad spirit? It scares me, some of the things he says." One client asked. What did I tell this poor women (who was deathly afraid) who knew nothing about working with the spiritual realms? "Your children are watched over by angels." Every single child is touched by angels. Every single child has a master guide who is there to protect them. As a protector, it is your job to just "trust" that your child is protected and do what you can to make yourself feel better about having a "psychic" child. How can you do this, Ask the angels to watch over your children and picture a clear bubble around your children. You also want to keep your own fears to yourself. Do not talk about it to others thinking your children can't hear you, because gifted children will know and sense that energy. What you can do is write down all your fears, ask that the angels protect your children and help you understand their gift and then burn that piece of paper.

    If you are reading this, you are defiantly at the right place. Hear I can offer you some tips on how to deal with psychic kids and how to nurture them. Children with this ability need to be cared for and nurtured in a different way. Now if you have multiple children, it's important that you do not treat the psychic child any different than others, so the exercise I list below, if you do it to one child, you must do it with all the children.
    Psychic Development: Playing "games" is a great way to nurture your child. Playing memory games, or getting on your hands and feet and building legos and doing puzzles. Interacting is very important for the psychic child. Communication allows them to feel safe to talk to you about their "experiences" I love to play the guessing game with my oldest, We take turns picturing a number in our minds and the other guess what number. It's a great way to pass the time on car rides. Drawing – omg you will see some amazing things if you just allow your children to be creative! Memory is also a great game, it not only allows you to see your child's intuition first hand, but it will also help you notice what they look like when get a "light bulb" moment. Guess the next color- you can do this with anything. Whenever I am out with my kids, and we are driving, I will ask my son, what color is the car behind us? What do you think the person who walks in next will be wearing? Often times this one my son will laugh and say "I don't know!" And I just laugh with him. Don't be disappointed when your children doesn't know or gives you an incorrect answer – remember practice makes perfect.
      Energy exchange: Hugs and kisses and touch is a powerful charge for psychic children. Children who feel loved will thrive greatly (of course). MUSIC! Play a lot of music and dance! Music has an amazing ability to lift negative energy and raise everyone's vibration. If you child is drawn to playing an instrument, support that desire but don't be overbearing. I have seen parents "push their kids" into playing an instrument. You cannot force a "psychic" child into anything, they are very strong willed and will march to the beat of their own drum. It's not that you can't control them, but you must treat them with respect and allow them to be who they are meant to be. They can't control their own inner calling any more than they can choose the color of their eyes. Key here is to be encouraging not forceful.

  Issues with Siblings: Sometimes psychic kids will feel like the odd ball – or they don't belong, and often times its very valid –I know I did. Encouraging your children to have friends outside them home will be good. Also play groups that are specific to your child's interest will be important. My son loves to build lego so I take him to events where they build legos. This helps them feel less alone and different. Boundaries are also important. Children are naturally manipulative, psychic or not. But… the psychic child will have an upper hand here. You must put your foot down and teach your child what is ok and what is not. Teach your children respect, this will lay a very important foundation for them later in life (ever come across a psychic who uses their gifts to scam people? Think about it – if your child was to grow up and become a professional psychic, what sort of ethics do you want your child to live by) Being raised with other kids, I've been told, is to teach these psychic kids about boundaries.
  Protection: many protectors are afraid of what they don't know or understand. My advice to you , if you are still afraid after reading my blog is go do research and seek out a spiritual adviser who can help guide you. (Other than offering the advice that I give you hear, I do not offer readings on children ) Just trust that your children are indeed protected by angels! I am often aware of a parent who is paranoid or worries a lot by the energy around the children, I will often times see an extra army of angels around the child lol. This comes not to protect the child from negative energy in another realm, but to protect the child from the negative (worry) energy of the protector. Can some children be exposed to negative energy – yes, in that case surround your child in the bubble and call on arch angel Michael for protection. Use your own "gut" feelings here, if something doesn't feel right, don't hesitate to call on support.

    "I've read about indigo, rainbow and crystal children" what does this all mean? Each wave of children being born during a specific time will be naturally born to have a specific color that dominates their auras. These different classifications is simply that. Indigo children are born with many rays of indigo in their auras. I was born in the 80's and during this period many indigoes were also born. Rainbow children born in the late 90's to currently- will have a ray of rainbow shades in their aura. And the most recent batch of children being born will be known as the crystal generation. Crystal children are highly intuitive and will be born with the "veil" up.

    Blessings to you all, During this blogged I channel the energy of Arch Angel Sandalphon - You will often recognize him as the angel with a musical instrument.