Monday, October 27, 2014

Angel Message in regards to life for October 2014

Card : 3 of Pentacles
    If you have chosen this card for yourself, The Angels has a wonderful message for you! You will be achieving some sort of reward for you work and diligence. Have you been working towards some sort of goal? This card brings forth a message that you will be able to reap what you have been sown, although it may not be a big reward, it is enough for you to know that you are on the right path and all you have done up until this point has been towards a goal. You are doing a great job! Keep up the good work.

"We want you to know that we acknowledge your due diligence and this is a message that we have heard your prayers,
have faith, for good things are to come." – the Angels.


Card : Five of Cups
    Simply put it, your life just sucks right now. Does it really suck? NO! It's just how you perceive it. You may think things are not going well, when in fact you are only focusing on the smaller part of the whole, take a moment too look around you. Are you truly in a bad place? This card brings a message that you are focusing too much on the cup being half full. Count your blessings and focus more on the good in your life and you will able to shift the energy in your life. If you have a hard time, simply say this prayer below,

    " Arch Angel Uriel please help me judge this situation truthfully. Allow me to see the brighter side of this dilemma. "

Card : Seven of Cups
    A few days ago I posted a card of the day in regards to this 7 of cups. When you get a chance, check it out HERE. This card seems to be in the air a lot lately this week, and this is the card of "LALA LAND" the message the angels are showing me here as that many of you who are drawn to this, have not been "awoken" you are still living a life where you are not speaking your truth, you may want to be in truth, but to be in truth is to truly live it. This brings a message of encouragement to walk the walk, and not just be all talk. If you are wanting good things to happen, first take action. Don't be afraid for you have the strength of the angels behind you.

    "As we walk this earth with the human race, we are always near and within reach, you only need to ask and we will be there." –The Angels

If you wish to book a reading, please contact me here

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