Monday, October 27, 2014

Tarot Tuesday October 2014

from Collete Baron-reid "The Enchanted Map" oracle

Card : Deep Freeze
           Right now, Don't do anything. If you are thinking about making any plans , decisions or changes, this card brings you a message to do absolutely nothing. Allow things to calm down. Right now is not the time for you to react. Instead, take a time out and go read a book or find some other hobby to distract you. Remember that everything has its season, and right now you are in period of winter where it calls for you to rest, if you struggle with this, think of the bear who goes into winter hibernation to be fully awaken and ready for the world in spring.

Card: Sacred Pool:
          You are most likely being drawn to this card because you are disconnected to your self. You are not being true to who you are, are you putting up a mask to fit others expectations. Are you doing things for others and not enough for yourself. This card is telling you that in order for you to be a light in others, you first need to light that fire with in yourself. Spark that fire so that you can share your light with the world.

Card: Ride the Wave
         I love this card! It is such a wonderful card and brings such a great message, simply put it - JUST RIDE THE WAVE - go with the flow. You can't resist what life throws at you, so why fight it?! Just throw yourself in the water and allow the waves to take you where you need to go. The water is symbolic of our emotions and the waves are our intuition. So what does this card tell you? Follow your heart, it will always lead you to where you need to be.

If you wish to book a reading, please contact me here


  1. Thanks for helping me to see that I need to be patient and not react at work and at home. Been feeling out of sorts lately.

    1. I'm so glad you found that helpful. I wish you all the best ;) Please let me know if you ever need guidance. I do offer readings.
