Thursday, October 2, 2014

Kids with the Psychic Gift and how to deal with it


      I had some interesting conversations with some of my clients these last few weeks about wither I felt their kids were "psychic" or not. This being such a popular topic I decided to right a blog and share my insights and tips on how to deal with kids who are indeed psychic. I was born very special myself, this coming across in my physical body to only confirm that I am in deed "different" ( I Don't like to use the term "special" because it feels to me that being special makes you better than others, and I don't believe that anyone is any better than the next, we are just different). As a child I had birthmark on my belly that would change colors. My mother was told by a "fortune teller" that when my birthmark turned red, it meant that our family would lose money, and when it turned green, it meant that money would come in. Was this true? I have no clue, my mother doesn't talk about it. I do remember how ever as a child they often looked at my stomach to see what color my birthmark was. I no longer have the birth mark. Aside from the birthmark, I was also born with only one kidney – which later in life reeked havoc on my health and was an alarm that awoke me up spiritually. (I off course, brush it off and it wasn't until the passing of my little dog that I accepted my gift and pursued my life as a professional intuitive.)

    Being a mother of two boys myself, I can tell you first hand, that not all children are "psychic" per-say. Some may be more intuitive then others. And then yes, you have some who are born with the "veil" lifted – this allows them to be very in touch with the spiritual realms. My oldest child, is very intelligent, I've always felt that he was very intuitive and an old soul. He seems to be older then he really is. But, he doesn't have the gift of sight like my self. He is just very "intuitive." Children who are highly intelligent are what I like to call "Gifted" It's my understanding, that their light bulb moments and high intelligence comes from them being very in-tuned to their Master guides. You may also hear or feel like your child is an "old soul" and it true. They are intuned to who they use to be and hence they know a lot.
    My youngest I will tell you, will be the one to carry on my spiritual work, he is a very "psychic" kid. It wasn't until I did numerology on my children that my suspicions were confirmed. Of both my boys, it's the youngest that is highly psychic. How do you know that your child is Psychic? Psychic children are very strong willed – I MEAN VERY! They know what they want. And this is because they are very connected with their high self, their soul. As children they are also a bit more clingy and attached. Psychic kids are intelligent but are also insecure because they are aware of their environment and absorb the energy with in it. They may seem wary in public settings and this is because they can feel others vibrations and if it doesn't gel well with them, they will stick close to their protectors (parents and other loved ones) these children do best with routine and schedules. It gives them a sense of normalcy in a world of chaos. They tend to say very amazing things. They have this glow about them. Don't believe me, picture your child and other children. Do you notice a difference in energy?
They can be very sensitive due to the empathy in them. Autistic and ADHD and ADD children are also psychic kids – they are highly empathic and get over stimulated on a psychic level and their bodies will react to tell you which end of the spectrum they are on. Autistic children pick up a lot and get sensory overload so they tend to withdraw themselves. They don't like eye contact because the eyes are the gateway to the soul. They do not know understand how to handle this so they shy from eye contact. ADHD absorb a lot of energy have no idea who to express is so they get fidgety and loss focus. Spirutally they are being given this information and in the physically world they are experience something completely different so they go back and forth between two worlds – this is why they are fidgety and can't sit still.
    Imaginary Friends: Who are they? Simply put it – Spirit guides! If your child has an imaginary friend, rest assured it may be imaginary to you, but they are very real to your kids. Children naturally have great positive energy and will attract positive energy to them. It is when they are in a negative environment that attracts negativity. Some people get afraid when their kids speak of having "imaginary friends" but it the protectors own fear that it is bad energy. If we look at this in a positive way, we can be more accepting and welcome good energy and not bad ones. I was raised to believe anything supernatural was evil and so I spent my whole terrified of natural instincts. Anytime I felt a spirit I was deathly afraid. This took many many years to undo. So please, If you feel your child is psychic or has a "gift" please do not be afraid. It does a lot more damage to the psychic child later on in life. We cannot run or hide from own naturally ability. Children who raised to "shut it down" will resort to depression, addictive behaviors and simply put it – a problem child.
    Babies who seem to see "spirits" probably do. If you are concerned you can ask the spirit to leave if it does not have good intentions. By spiritual law – If you ask it something, it has to do what it's been told. If you feel the spirit is being deceptive, ask for truth and it will be revealed. Babies are naturally born with the "veil up" and are very intuned to the spiritual world. As children get older, the veil begins to lower itself and eventually closes if they are not allowed to let their gifts thrive. At about 6 or 7 children start to lose touch with their natural gifts. Around 13-15 you may notice the "problem" years because they being awoken spiritually. They never really lose the gift, it goes into "hibernation" How they decide to pursue their gifts when they get their calling will determine their level of happiness. The "veil" is this child's third eye or psychic eye. When they are born, this third eye is open and through the years if they are not allowed to thrive it will start to close. If you were very psychic as a child, but now blocked as an adult, you may need to clear your chakra system and balance them and retrain yourself.
    "Well Cyndee, How do I know my child isn't playing with a bad spirit? It scares me, some of the things he says." One client asked. What did I tell this poor women (who was deathly afraid) who knew nothing about working with the spiritual realms? "Your children are watched over by angels." Every single child is touched by angels. Every single child has a master guide who is there to protect them. As a protector, it is your job to just "trust" that your child is protected and do what you can to make yourself feel better about having a "psychic" child. How can you do this, Ask the angels to watch over your children and picture a clear bubble around your children. You also want to keep your own fears to yourself. Do not talk about it to others thinking your children can't hear you, because gifted children will know and sense that energy. What you can do is write down all your fears, ask that the angels protect your children and help you understand their gift and then burn that piece of paper.

    If you are reading this, you are defiantly at the right place. Hear I can offer you some tips on how to deal with psychic kids and how to nurture them. Children with this ability need to be cared for and nurtured in a different way. Now if you have multiple children, it's important that you do not treat the psychic child any different than others, so the exercise I list below, if you do it to one child, you must do it with all the children.
    Psychic Development: Playing "games" is a great way to nurture your child. Playing memory games, or getting on your hands and feet and building legos and doing puzzles. Interacting is very important for the psychic child. Communication allows them to feel safe to talk to you about their "experiences" I love to play the guessing game with my oldest, We take turns picturing a number in our minds and the other guess what number. It's a great way to pass the time on car rides. Drawing – omg you will see some amazing things if you just allow your children to be creative! Memory is also a great game, it not only allows you to see your child's intuition first hand, but it will also help you notice what they look like when get a "light bulb" moment. Guess the next color- you can do this with anything. Whenever I am out with my kids, and we are driving, I will ask my son, what color is the car behind us? What do you think the person who walks in next will be wearing? Often times this one my son will laugh and say "I don't know!" And I just laugh with him. Don't be disappointed when your children doesn't know or gives you an incorrect answer – remember practice makes perfect.
      Energy exchange: Hugs and kisses and touch is a powerful charge for psychic children. Children who feel loved will thrive greatly (of course). MUSIC! Play a lot of music and dance! Music has an amazing ability to lift negative energy and raise everyone's vibration. If you child is drawn to playing an instrument, support that desire but don't be overbearing. I have seen parents "push their kids" into playing an instrument. You cannot force a "psychic" child into anything, they are very strong willed and will march to the beat of their own drum. It's not that you can't control them, but you must treat them with respect and allow them to be who they are meant to be. They can't control their own inner calling any more than they can choose the color of their eyes. Key here is to be encouraging not forceful.

  Issues with Siblings: Sometimes psychic kids will feel like the odd ball – or they don't belong, and often times its very valid –I know I did. Encouraging your children to have friends outside them home will be good. Also play groups that are specific to your child's interest will be important. My son loves to build lego so I take him to events where they build legos. This helps them feel less alone and different. Boundaries are also important. Children are naturally manipulative, psychic or not. But… the psychic child will have an upper hand here. You must put your foot down and teach your child what is ok and what is not. Teach your children respect, this will lay a very important foundation for them later in life (ever come across a psychic who uses their gifts to scam people? Think about it – if your child was to grow up and become a professional psychic, what sort of ethics do you want your child to live by) Being raised with other kids, I've been told, is to teach these psychic kids about boundaries.
  Protection: many protectors are afraid of what they don't know or understand. My advice to you , if you are still afraid after reading my blog is go do research and seek out a spiritual adviser who can help guide you. (Other than offering the advice that I give you hear, I do not offer readings on children ) Just trust that your children are indeed protected by angels! I am often aware of a parent who is paranoid or worries a lot by the energy around the children, I will often times see an extra army of angels around the child lol. This comes not to protect the child from negative energy in another realm, but to protect the child from the negative (worry) energy of the protector. Can some children be exposed to negative energy – yes, in that case surround your child in the bubble and call on arch angel Michael for protection. Use your own "gut" feelings here, if something doesn't feel right, don't hesitate to call on support.

    "I've read about indigo, rainbow and crystal children" what does this all mean? Each wave of children being born during a specific time will be naturally born to have a specific color that dominates their auras. These different classifications is simply that. Indigo children are born with many rays of indigo in their auras. I was born in the 80's and during this period many indigoes were also born. Rainbow children born in the late 90's to currently- will have a ray of rainbow shades in their aura. And the most recent batch of children being born will be known as the crystal generation. Crystal children are highly intuitive and will be born with the "veil" up.

    Blessings to you all, During this blogged I channel the energy of Arch Angel Sandalphon - You will often recognize him as the angel with a musical instrument. 

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