Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Angel Chamuel and healing our Sacral Chakra

Angel Chamuel and Healings of the Sacral Chakra
Our Sacral chakra is what controls our emotions, this is our “ I FEEL” center. It is in this area that we hold all our emotions; if it is open or closed you will know by how emotionally open and closed you are. The wonderful energy that Chamuel brings is perfect for this chakra because he works with us to help us form harmonious relationships with others. If you ever find you lack a connection to people or yourself, call on Chamuel- He will surely come to your aid to help you heal broken relationships.
                For many years, I have known Chamuel as the angel of Soul – Mates. I say this because for a majority of my reading request that have been in regards to questions about soul mates – he has been the one to aid me. Its how I have come to work so closely with him, I also discovered today- that he is the Angel of TUESDAYS! Why I have no idea, he just tells me he guides us on Tuesdays ;)

Our Sacral Chakra and its amazing partnership with Chamuel:
Color : Orange
Locations: about 5 fingers below your belly button
Angel : Chamuel
Purpose: this is our emotional center- it affects our relationships and connections to others and creativity.
Body parts associated with it: Reproductive organs and bladder
Glands Associated: Reproductive glands – Testes and Ovaries

Signs you have an UNHEALTHY Sacral Chakra:
                -Lack of emotional connection with others.  Having a hard time opening up or letting people in.
                -Issues with Fertility and or Lack of Sexual Drive
                - Feel “empty” inside
                - Feeling “Needy”
                -You tend to WANT to follow others - lack of self confidence
                - Very promiscuous
                -Dramatic or loves drama
                - Co-dependency to either people or drugs or other things
                -Fatigue – physical exhaustion despite a good nights rest
                - Lower back pain and or Sciatica Pain

How Chamuel Can help us heal this area:
                Chameul is a great angel to channel our emotional needs because it’s his goal for us to have harmonious relationships with not only others but also with in ourselves. He finds great comfort in seeing us happy with healthy emotions. He helps build strong foundations for healthy relationships. He loves to help people find and connect with their soul mates and those who are in our soul families. He works in the area of emotions so it doesn’t have to be just Romantic relationships. Any type of relationship that leaves you feeling exhausted, co-dependent or needy can be healed by calling on Chamuel for support.

How to call on Chamuel:
-          Fill your home with flowers! WHITE FLOWERS! He loves white flowers and this becomes like a calling card for him, and if you make the conscious decision to purposely buy white flowers to invite him into your home, he will show up!
-          Pink Candles: are also a great way to invite him into your space
-          Simply ask him. “Chamuel – Please help me heal this relationship”  “Chamuel please help me find balance in my sacral chakra and heal my emotional life”

Signs you have invoked him:
                -Feel butterflies in your tummy.
                - Tingly sensations over your body and a warmth in your cheeks (rosy cheek syndrome)
                -Angel signs arrive on a TUESDAY – you find SMALL white feathers or sometimes                            Pennies.
                -His aura is PALE GREEN with a SPLASH OF PINK – if you see anything like this, trust                  it is him ;)

I hope you all enjoyed this week Chakra lesson and please! Call on Chamuel this week because I can assure you that he will indeed heal some emotional damage from your past this week so you can move forward into next week when we learn about the Solar Plexus Chakra- Our “personal power” center.

Follow me on Facebook for postings of inspirations. If you wish to book a reading, please contact me below.



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