Saturday, September 19, 2015

Raphael and the Heart Chakra

 This week I come to you all at a place that is from the heart, literally. Our heart is the center of what I call the “message center” it’s where we receive messages. How is that possible and why is it here. The heart is the message center because if we  are open we receive messages which we can then communicate through our throat chakra by speaking our truth, or we will feel safe and loved to express ourselves via the solar plexus charka. But… If we are closed off, nothing comes through and what begins to brew is the negative emotions of heart ache, lost and fear.

The heart chakra is mainly green, its secondary color is pink. I have met a few different people who believe that the heart is pink in color – I do not agree. Doesn’t mean I am wrong or they are wrong, it just means for me- the Heart vibrates at a green color. Not pink. Everyone is different so as you go through this, ask yourself what color vibrates best for you – green or pink?

                Why is color important? Wavelengths move at different rates for different colors – this is important to note because as we move up up chakras, our vibrations in our aura moves faster and faster. The faster vibration is needed when we are working on a spiritual and “in tuned” level. Not everyone wants to be that high and because of this, my blog this week is very simple. A high vibrating heart = good energy which in turns result in a powerful way to manifest. When we come from the heart – we are able to attract things that truly make us happy. Like attracts like!
What does the heart control? ALL OF YOUR EMOTIONS. Feelings of love and trust. When we have issues with this chakra will have emotions of jealously, fear, and unloved. We will also feel like nothing in life is working out and life just sucks -There is a disconnect between you and your heart and so nothing feels right - which leads to unhappiness. 

   Arch Angel Raphael is the angel of healing. If you are ever in need of a healing- He’s always there. Automatically – he is always by our side – waiting for us to ask for help.  Angel’s respect our free will therefore they cannot intervene to help us unless we ask for it.  His message is simple and clear. He is always with us and if you ever need a healing, just ask.
        When we ask for a healing, Raphael works mainly with the heart chakra. The heart is the            " mother hub " so to speak. If you want to heal your life- the healing starts here because Love cures all. I don't mean that in a cheesy way , I'm being very serious. Many times, we get hurt or have emotional scars the first we do is close off our heart center - this is a normal survival mechanism and we do this to "protect" our heart. When you are ready, you feel gentle nudges from Raphael.

His healings will come in different ways:
-          You get a bright idea
-          You feel its time to change your lifestyle
-          You want to be more healthy
-          Bad foods no longer taste good (you may crave it, but you no longer feel its tasty or worth it)
-          You will be encouraged or feel the need to “do” a certain thing. This happens to me often, as you all know I am a healer- I heal through my tarot readings and also by sending out healing energy during meditations. I have done this before and I will be doing one after I send this message out- all of those who are open to receiving this healing just need to say “Yes, I accept it” I am not the “healer” I am a conduit for the healings to be sent. When I send out healings, I’m just a body which energy of Raphael flows through.

Signs of Raphael-
        Of all the angels, he is on that has appeared in very odd ways. Just yesterday I was driving and parked in front of a car where their was a beat up old bear with angel wings sitting on a truck. Strangest thing I thought and then I realized it was a sign from Rapheal – as I said – he likes to send signs in odd ways. When you feel an angels presence but your confused as to who – Just think, It could be Raphael. He does like to come in “disguise” he is always with us, we just have to be aware.
Here is a photo I took of that Bear with Angel Wings .
Raphael showing me he is near. 
       He is a very powerful angel and emanates a green aura. He is often spotted in orbs- usually you’ll see a flicker of bright green light that flashes really fast before you have time to catch it. The orb moves fast because the angels are on a very high vibration. They flicker in and out all the time, when we raise our vibrations – even for just a second we catch those flickers.

                Caduceus is a medical sign often used by healing professionals. Sometimes you’ll see him send this as a sign although he tells me its rare- he would much prefer to use the fish as a sign. As I said- he is an odd angel, he doesn’t like to do what is expected of the “norm” He tells me likes to use the fish because in his healings he has used parts of a fish as part of his work.

I hope you all enjoyed this weeks message ;)


Check out a blog about a healing I conducted with Arch Angel Raphael in 2014  HERE

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Your Daily Angel Guidance

Each Week, I do my best to offer angel guidance to as many people as I can possibly reach. My goal is to share the message of the angels to everyone. Everyone is different but for the most part, the right message tends to find the right person at the right time, if you feel you have this need to share my message with your friends and family, please do- I promise you - someone you know will find the message meaningful ;)

If You wish to book a reading please contact me at

On to your message this week.....

Card One: Authority
                I get this heavy sense that those of you who pick this card have a problem with authority or being told what to do. And The angels just want to remind us that there is a time to listen and a time to talk. Many of you are being offered good advice if you would allow yourself to put your guard down and just listen. You ask for help, the advice is being given but you aren’t listening. The authority card is about someone in charge who can lead. These people who are above you or are offering you words of wisdom or asking you to do something – its for you better good, you may not like it because your ego is stepping forward and making you throw a fit like a child.

Card two: Patience and Planning
                To plant a garden you must work hard, prep the soil, plant the seeds, water your garden and wait for them to bloom. You can’t rush this process, but you can affect the quality of the garden. The more time you spend nurturing it and loving it the more bountiful your harvest. Those of you who are getting impatient- consider booking a reading, I may be able to help you if you find you are struggling. Many of us want to rush the process out of desperation but that wont work – If you over water your garden, you’ll drown It. Slow and steady wins the race, remember that.

Card 3: Spiritual Union
                Your spirit wants to re-connect with you. You can think of the spirit as your high self, who you are, you inner god/goddess – the true you. Your probably over worked, depressed, or just not making time for yourself. This card is a message that its time you put your life on hold and do things you love. When we make time for ourselves, we are making an appointment with our high power to allow us to live a fulfilling life. If you can’t make time for your self how can you ever truly feel connected to who you are?

Card 4: Emotional Withdraw
                Sometimes when we go through difficult times, we want a time out – we need space, we need time alone. Its not an easy period for you at this moment and the Angels want you to know that’s ok. Its ok you want to be apart from the world right now, its ok for you to feel disconnected. Its all in the wave of the world and you must let yourself be ok with it. In life we have ups and downs- its all part of our growth. Take time to stay home and spend quiet time with yourself to reflect on all your emotions- what ever it is that you are feeling- it is ok. Let yourself feel it.

Card 5: Rest and Rejuvenate

                Oh my, You have probably been very busy! Or your always on the go- I feel such an adrenaline rush! The angels advice is its time to slow down and mellow out….Most of you who pick this are probably a lot like me – I’m like the little energizer bunny- I keep going and going and when I get home, I crash from exhaustion. This comes from me in “work mode” When I get in this zone I have a million things running through my mind, I’m in 10 places at once and this really isn’t healthy for us. We start to feel what they call “adrenal fatigue” where your body is tired but your so focused on going that you don’t recognize the signs of being tired because you’ve overworked yourself.  Take my advice – Stop, Breath and remember to focus on one thing. 

Monday, September 14, 2015

Arch Angel Uriel helping us Find our Power

These last couple of days I have been receiving quite a bit of information from Arch Angel Uriel and believe me, he has defiantly made his presence known. At first I had no idea it was him because I had not been thinking about anything other than all of the negativity that's been going around lately in my life. At one point I thought " Oh my god! What is going on here!" and slowly but surely the angels have been making their presence known and re-assuring me that the negativity I am experiencing is simply "purging" old energy out of my energy field. So for those of you who feel you are going through some tough times, rest assured you could be going through the same thing.

 Uriel, is an angel that likes to makes his presence known by playing with electricity. Lights will flicker, Fuses will get blown, clocks stop working or anything else crazy you can think of. A few days ago my car died, literally! It wouldn't turn on. I thought maybe its the hot weather ( it was 110 that day) and my car just over heated but We never could get it going. I'm sitting here thinking "oh great! just my luck! I hope this repair doesnt break my bank!" I get home that night and the light bulb on my bed side was dead. You should of seen my face when this came to be.  I'm thinking " OH COME ON!" and instantly Uriel pops into my mind to re-assure me it's just her. It all made sense! This week was my week to work on the next lesson - The solar Plexus - the seat of our personal power.  The negativity I had been experiencing this week had to do with addictions. There are people in my life that are suffering from addictions. Everywhere I went I saw signs about addictions- I would hear a mother talk about her son with a problem, or I watch a movie and there it was. In my case reality hit hard when we had recieved bad news about a family member who was an Alcoholic. At that point I got the message loud and clear. Talk about Addictions!
     Our Solar Plexus is the seat of our personal power. This is where we get our high self esteem, confidence and power.  Addictions, whether they are our own, or someone else's - drains the solar plexus and takes away ones own personal power. Make sense?
       If you suffer from addiction, you lack personal power because you do not have the will to say no. If you have someone in your life who is an addict- they can be very draining because its exhausting worrying about an addict. You want to help them, you go out of your way to help them and simply put it you are trying to help someone you can't and it leaves you exhausted - why? The addiction has drained you and your not even an addict! Addiction is seriously business and its a prevalent one.  Uriel comes at this time to send a LOUD MESSAGE- If you suffer from addiction or find you suffer from the affects of someones addiction - we need to HEAL YOUR SOLAR PLEXUS. A healthy Solar Plexus knows how to say No and will not put one self out there to heal someone who doesn't want to be healed. A healthy solar plexus will allow you to be there and be supportive of an addict while they go through their struggle but it will not drain you. Simply put it - You will be able to say no.

    Addictions can come in many forms - It can be drugs, alcohol, games, TV, food, relationships, bad habits- ect. An addiction is something you do that you feel you HAVE TO DO but it serves you no higher good. It leaves you feeling not so good. Those are bad habits you want to work on healing because it is taking away from your own personal power.
    Its important that we have personal power because with out, we would live empty lives. To be empowered is to have control of your life and  you have the ability to drive it the way you want! And most people want - SUCCESS.  Most people want HAPPINESS. MANY want ABUNDANCE. All of these things can be achieved if we have High Self Esteem which helps us with TRUSTING in a higher power.

Uriel: Who is she?
   She is one of the wisest angels. She has a lot of knowledge and there for she brings an energy of confidence when she arrives because simply put it " she knows it all and why" Her name means " Light of God" Perfect! She brings light and illuminates any dark situation.  Her aura is also Yellow and very bright! Not only does this work perfectly with your Solar Plexus which is also Yellow, but it helps re-assure you of your own feel good emotions because we think of postivity as a "bright round ball of sunshine"  She will also bring you signs in the form of Sunflowers and as I mentioned above - she messes with electricity to get our attention. From my experience - she is the only one who does this.

Solar Plexus Chakra: Color is Yellow and a fascinating way you can enhance and strengthen this
chakra is place a CITRINE crystal on it! You can get citrine for a really affordable price and to be honest, it will find you. If you see it please buy it because it's meant for you ;) Citrine is known to be stone of abundance and from I've been informed by Uriel is that citrine helps us strengthen our Personal power giving us confidence allowing us to pursue our dreams - which allows us to attract abundance!

The Solar Plexus lies in our stomach region. When we feel this chakra - we get the sensation of "gut feeling" or Pit of your stomach. It is controlled by the pancreas so those who are having issues with blood sugar will benefit with healing this area.

     Uriels message for us all this week, especially right now during this New Moon we are experiencing is learning to empower ourselves! Taking control of ones life relies partly on this chakra because when it is strong and vital - it gives us the confidence to live a life of truth.  We follow our hearts with out a doubt. But if are out of balance in this area we suffer from lack of self esteem or depression and in extreme cases Addictions.  If you ever find electricity acting up on you just know it could be Uriel Saying hello.  My car ended up being a simple battery repair and I got a new light bulb. No electricity issues have risen since. *smiles*

If you wish to book a reading please contact me 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

A message for you RIGHT NOW

This weeks reading focus is to help you figure out what you need to do right now. RIGHT NOW as in AT THIS VERY MOMENT- These messages are meant for you. If you feel you need further guidance, please contact me for a reading @

Card One: Trapped in Fear
            The fear you fear most is of your own making. There really is no “real threat” your just afraid to take a chance on yourself.  I’ve been there and I totally understand and I want you all to know this is perfectly normal. Fear is usually self driven, and when your ready – you will see through the fear and realize that if you never face them, they will never go away. The key here is that you have to be ready and WILLING. When the time is right you will learn to let go and take a leap of faith. For today, just know – there is no real threat. Yes life can be scary, Yes things can get worst before they will get better and yes you have to make the changes yourself ( no one else can do it for you)  but You also have to remember, YOU CONTROL YOUR OWN LIFE. IF YOU DON’T FACE YOUR OWN FEARS, YOU CAN’T MOVE FORWARD AND IMPROVE YOUR LIFE.

Card 2: Temptation
            Addictions of all sorts are a factor in your life at this moment. The issues can be in the form of drug or alcohol addiction, co-dependency ( addicted to bad relationships) Issues with spending or money  or maybe you are just addicted to your own negativity. What ever it is that you are dealing with, just know that this week – we are acknowledging  them.  First step to recovery is admitting there is a problem. This may be too blunt for some and I may even offend some of you. But I have to deliver the messages as they are being given and only hope that the message serves its purpose.

Card 3: Fertility
            Abundance is on the horizon, You have great energy at your disposal at this very moment and all you need to do is nurture it. What are some amazing goals you wish to achieve one day? Do something this week that will be the starting point.  For many of you, that starting point is simply writing it down.  Whatever it is your goal is, you don’t need to know how you’re going to get there, you just have to take the first step. I remember in 2013 I Started my Facebook paging with the intention that it will allow me to connect with my Tarot Community – I had these goals of connecting with other readers all over the world and instead the page went still for a year until last year when I revived it with my Tarot Business. Since then I have connected with some amazing souls. I did not see this in my future – I only know of my love of tarot and my desire to want to connect others.  In return I have been blessed with some amazing new friends ;)

Card  4: Patience and Planning
            What the rush?! That is really the big question today! This message arrives for you all today to be a reminder that in due time, you will receive what you deserve. You can’t rush the process so whats the rush? Many times – we want to rush things because we become Desperate, often decisions are made out of desperation are not good, they tend to be short lived solutions when really, we need long term solutions which takes time.  Today is a day to re-evaulate your goals and really think about what you want and why you want it. What decisions are you  making out of desperations? Those are the ones you should be re-evaluating.

Card 5: Harmony

            -You been through some ups and downs and a period of rest and harmony is at your finger tips. This is about a period of calmness with oneself. Those of you who have been dealing with anxiety and insomnia will find that you can rest a bit better this week. Maybe there has been a turbulent relationship that has been very negative and you may find that things will find some sort of peace. You may find that those relationships improve, or those people may exit your life- what ever the end result – It will be for the best. In order for you to find inner peace and calmness you will need to let these relationships run their course and resolve themselves. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Angel Chamuel and healing our Sacral Chakra

Angel Chamuel and Healings of the Sacral Chakra
Our Sacral chakra is what controls our emotions, this is our “ I FEEL” center. It is in this area that we hold all our emotions; if it is open or closed you will know by how emotionally open and closed you are. The wonderful energy that Chamuel brings is perfect for this chakra because he works with us to help us form harmonious relationships with others. If you ever find you lack a connection to people or yourself, call on Chamuel- He will surely come to your aid to help you heal broken relationships.
                For many years, I have known Chamuel as the angel of Soul – Mates. I say this because for a majority of my reading request that have been in regards to questions about soul mates – he has been the one to aid me. Its how I have come to work so closely with him, I also discovered today- that he is the Angel of TUESDAYS! Why I have no idea, he just tells me he guides us on Tuesdays ;)

Our Sacral Chakra and its amazing partnership with Chamuel:
Color : Orange
Locations: about 5 fingers below your belly button
Angel : Chamuel
Purpose: this is our emotional center- it affects our relationships and connections to others and creativity.
Body parts associated with it: Reproductive organs and bladder
Glands Associated: Reproductive glands – Testes and Ovaries

Signs you have an UNHEALTHY Sacral Chakra:
                -Lack of emotional connection with others.  Having a hard time opening up or letting people in.
                -Issues with Fertility and or Lack of Sexual Drive
                - Feel “empty” inside
                - Feeling “Needy”
                -You tend to WANT to follow others - lack of self confidence
                - Very promiscuous
                -Dramatic or loves drama
                - Co-dependency to either people or drugs or other things
                -Fatigue – physical exhaustion despite a good nights rest
                - Lower back pain and or Sciatica Pain

How Chamuel Can help us heal this area:
                Chameul is a great angel to channel our emotional needs because it’s his goal for us to have harmonious relationships with not only others but also with in ourselves. He finds great comfort in seeing us happy with healthy emotions. He helps build strong foundations for healthy relationships. He loves to help people find and connect with their soul mates and those who are in our soul families. He works in the area of emotions so it doesn’t have to be just Romantic relationships. Any type of relationship that leaves you feeling exhausted, co-dependent or needy can be healed by calling on Chamuel for support.

How to call on Chamuel:
-          Fill your home with flowers! WHITE FLOWERS! He loves white flowers and this becomes like a calling card for him, and if you make the conscious decision to purposely buy white flowers to invite him into your home, he will show up!
-          Pink Candles: are also a great way to invite him into your space
-          Simply ask him. “Chamuel – Please help me heal this relationship”  “Chamuel please help me find balance in my sacral chakra and heal my emotional life”

Signs you have invoked him:
                -Feel butterflies in your tummy.
                - Tingly sensations over your body and a warmth in your cheeks (rosy cheek syndrome)
                -Angel signs arrive on a TUESDAY – you find SMALL white feathers or sometimes                            Pennies.
                -His aura is PALE GREEN with a SPLASH OF PINK – if you see anything like this, trust                  it is him ;)

I hope you all enjoyed this week Chakra lesson and please! Call on Chamuel this week because I can assure you that he will indeed heal some emotional damage from your past this week so you can move forward into next week when we learn about the Solar Plexus Chakra- Our “personal power” center.

Follow me on Facebook for postings of inspirations. If you wish to book a reading, please contact me below.

