Thursday, September 17, 2015

Your Daily Angel Guidance

Each Week, I do my best to offer angel guidance to as many people as I can possibly reach. My goal is to share the message of the angels to everyone. Everyone is different but for the most part, the right message tends to find the right person at the right time, if you feel you have this need to share my message with your friends and family, please do- I promise you - someone you know will find the message meaningful ;)

If You wish to book a reading please contact me at

On to your message this week.....

Card One: Authority
                I get this heavy sense that those of you who pick this card have a problem with authority or being told what to do. And The angels just want to remind us that there is a time to listen and a time to talk. Many of you are being offered good advice if you would allow yourself to put your guard down and just listen. You ask for help, the advice is being given but you aren’t listening. The authority card is about someone in charge who can lead. These people who are above you or are offering you words of wisdom or asking you to do something – its for you better good, you may not like it because your ego is stepping forward and making you throw a fit like a child.

Card two: Patience and Planning
                To plant a garden you must work hard, prep the soil, plant the seeds, water your garden and wait for them to bloom. You can’t rush this process, but you can affect the quality of the garden. The more time you spend nurturing it and loving it the more bountiful your harvest. Those of you who are getting impatient- consider booking a reading, I may be able to help you if you find you are struggling. Many of us want to rush the process out of desperation but that wont work – If you over water your garden, you’ll drown It. Slow and steady wins the race, remember that.

Card 3: Spiritual Union
                Your spirit wants to re-connect with you. You can think of the spirit as your high self, who you are, you inner god/goddess – the true you. Your probably over worked, depressed, or just not making time for yourself. This card is a message that its time you put your life on hold and do things you love. When we make time for ourselves, we are making an appointment with our high power to allow us to live a fulfilling life. If you can’t make time for your self how can you ever truly feel connected to who you are?

Card 4: Emotional Withdraw
                Sometimes when we go through difficult times, we want a time out – we need space, we need time alone. Its not an easy period for you at this moment and the Angels want you to know that’s ok. Its ok you want to be apart from the world right now, its ok for you to feel disconnected. Its all in the wave of the world and you must let yourself be ok with it. In life we have ups and downs- its all part of our growth. Take time to stay home and spend quiet time with yourself to reflect on all your emotions- what ever it is that you are feeling- it is ok. Let yourself feel it.

Card 5: Rest and Rejuvenate

                Oh my, You have probably been very busy! Or your always on the go- I feel such an adrenaline rush! The angels advice is its time to slow down and mellow out….Most of you who pick this are probably a lot like me – I’m like the little energizer bunny- I keep going and going and when I get home, I crash from exhaustion. This comes from me in “work mode” When I get in this zone I have a million things running through my mind, I’m in 10 places at once and this really isn’t healthy for us. We start to feel what they call “adrenal fatigue” where your body is tired but your so focused on going that you don’t recognize the signs of being tired because you’ve overworked yourself.  Take my advice – Stop, Breath and remember to focus on one thing. 

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