Monday, September 14, 2015

Arch Angel Uriel helping us Find our Power

These last couple of days I have been receiving quite a bit of information from Arch Angel Uriel and believe me, he has defiantly made his presence known. At first I had no idea it was him because I had not been thinking about anything other than all of the negativity that's been going around lately in my life. At one point I thought " Oh my god! What is going on here!" and slowly but surely the angels have been making their presence known and re-assuring me that the negativity I am experiencing is simply "purging" old energy out of my energy field. So for those of you who feel you are going through some tough times, rest assured you could be going through the same thing.

 Uriel, is an angel that likes to makes his presence known by playing with electricity. Lights will flicker, Fuses will get blown, clocks stop working or anything else crazy you can think of. A few days ago my car died, literally! It wouldn't turn on. I thought maybe its the hot weather ( it was 110 that day) and my car just over heated but We never could get it going. I'm sitting here thinking "oh great! just my luck! I hope this repair doesnt break my bank!" I get home that night and the light bulb on my bed side was dead. You should of seen my face when this came to be.  I'm thinking " OH COME ON!" and instantly Uriel pops into my mind to re-assure me it's just her. It all made sense! This week was my week to work on the next lesson - The solar Plexus - the seat of our personal power.  The negativity I had been experiencing this week had to do with addictions. There are people in my life that are suffering from addictions. Everywhere I went I saw signs about addictions- I would hear a mother talk about her son with a problem, or I watch a movie and there it was. In my case reality hit hard when we had recieved bad news about a family member who was an Alcoholic. At that point I got the message loud and clear. Talk about Addictions!
     Our Solar Plexus is the seat of our personal power. This is where we get our high self esteem, confidence and power.  Addictions, whether they are our own, or someone else's - drains the solar plexus and takes away ones own personal power. Make sense?
       If you suffer from addiction, you lack personal power because you do not have the will to say no. If you have someone in your life who is an addict- they can be very draining because its exhausting worrying about an addict. You want to help them, you go out of your way to help them and simply put it you are trying to help someone you can't and it leaves you exhausted - why? The addiction has drained you and your not even an addict! Addiction is seriously business and its a prevalent one.  Uriel comes at this time to send a LOUD MESSAGE- If you suffer from addiction or find you suffer from the affects of someones addiction - we need to HEAL YOUR SOLAR PLEXUS. A healthy Solar Plexus knows how to say No and will not put one self out there to heal someone who doesn't want to be healed. A healthy solar plexus will allow you to be there and be supportive of an addict while they go through their struggle but it will not drain you. Simply put it - You will be able to say no.

    Addictions can come in many forms - It can be drugs, alcohol, games, TV, food, relationships, bad habits- ect. An addiction is something you do that you feel you HAVE TO DO but it serves you no higher good. It leaves you feeling not so good. Those are bad habits you want to work on healing because it is taking away from your own personal power.
    Its important that we have personal power because with out, we would live empty lives. To be empowered is to have control of your life and  you have the ability to drive it the way you want! And most people want - SUCCESS.  Most people want HAPPINESS. MANY want ABUNDANCE. All of these things can be achieved if we have High Self Esteem which helps us with TRUSTING in a higher power.

Uriel: Who is she?
   She is one of the wisest angels. She has a lot of knowledge and there for she brings an energy of confidence when she arrives because simply put it " she knows it all and why" Her name means " Light of God" Perfect! She brings light and illuminates any dark situation.  Her aura is also Yellow and very bright! Not only does this work perfectly with your Solar Plexus which is also Yellow, but it helps re-assure you of your own feel good emotions because we think of postivity as a "bright round ball of sunshine"  She will also bring you signs in the form of Sunflowers and as I mentioned above - she messes with electricity to get our attention. From my experience - she is the only one who does this.

Solar Plexus Chakra: Color is Yellow and a fascinating way you can enhance and strengthen this
chakra is place a CITRINE crystal on it! You can get citrine for a really affordable price and to be honest, it will find you. If you see it please buy it because it's meant for you ;) Citrine is known to be stone of abundance and from I've been informed by Uriel is that citrine helps us strengthen our Personal power giving us confidence allowing us to pursue our dreams - which allows us to attract abundance!

The Solar Plexus lies in our stomach region. When we feel this chakra - we get the sensation of "gut feeling" or Pit of your stomach. It is controlled by the pancreas so those who are having issues with blood sugar will benefit with healing this area.

     Uriels message for us all this week, especially right now during this New Moon we are experiencing is learning to empower ourselves! Taking control of ones life relies partly on this chakra because when it is strong and vital - it gives us the confidence to live a life of truth.  We follow our hearts with out a doubt. But if are out of balance in this area we suffer from lack of self esteem or depression and in extreme cases Addictions.  If you ever find electricity acting up on you just know it could be Uriel Saying hello.  My car ended up being a simple battery repair and I got a new light bulb. No electricity issues have risen since. *smiles*

If you wish to book a reading please contact me 

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