Thursday, September 10, 2015

A message for you RIGHT NOW

This weeks reading focus is to help you figure out what you need to do right now. RIGHT NOW as in AT THIS VERY MOMENT- These messages are meant for you. If you feel you need further guidance, please contact me for a reading @

Card One: Trapped in Fear
            The fear you fear most is of your own making. There really is no “real threat” your just afraid to take a chance on yourself.  I’ve been there and I totally understand and I want you all to know this is perfectly normal. Fear is usually self driven, and when your ready – you will see through the fear and realize that if you never face them, they will never go away. The key here is that you have to be ready and WILLING. When the time is right you will learn to let go and take a leap of faith. For today, just know – there is no real threat. Yes life can be scary, Yes things can get worst before they will get better and yes you have to make the changes yourself ( no one else can do it for you)  but You also have to remember, YOU CONTROL YOUR OWN LIFE. IF YOU DON’T FACE YOUR OWN FEARS, YOU CAN’T MOVE FORWARD AND IMPROVE YOUR LIFE.

Card 2: Temptation
            Addictions of all sorts are a factor in your life at this moment. The issues can be in the form of drug or alcohol addiction, co-dependency ( addicted to bad relationships) Issues with spending or money  or maybe you are just addicted to your own negativity. What ever it is that you are dealing with, just know that this week – we are acknowledging  them.  First step to recovery is admitting there is a problem. This may be too blunt for some and I may even offend some of you. But I have to deliver the messages as they are being given and only hope that the message serves its purpose.

Card 3: Fertility
            Abundance is on the horizon, You have great energy at your disposal at this very moment and all you need to do is nurture it. What are some amazing goals you wish to achieve one day? Do something this week that will be the starting point.  For many of you, that starting point is simply writing it down.  Whatever it is your goal is, you don’t need to know how you’re going to get there, you just have to take the first step. I remember in 2013 I Started my Facebook paging with the intention that it will allow me to connect with my Tarot Community – I had these goals of connecting with other readers all over the world and instead the page went still for a year until last year when I revived it with my Tarot Business. Since then I have connected with some amazing souls. I did not see this in my future – I only know of my love of tarot and my desire to want to connect others.  In return I have been blessed with some amazing new friends ;)

Card  4: Patience and Planning
            What the rush?! That is really the big question today! This message arrives for you all today to be a reminder that in due time, you will receive what you deserve. You can’t rush the process so whats the rush? Many times – we want to rush things because we become Desperate, often decisions are made out of desperation are not good, they tend to be short lived solutions when really, we need long term solutions which takes time.  Today is a day to re-evaulate your goals and really think about what you want and why you want it. What decisions are you  making out of desperations? Those are the ones you should be re-evaluating.

Card 5: Harmony

            -You been through some ups and downs and a period of rest and harmony is at your finger tips. This is about a period of calmness with oneself. Those of you who have been dealing with anxiety and insomnia will find that you can rest a bit better this week. Maybe there has been a turbulent relationship that has been very negative and you may find that things will find some sort of peace. You may find that those relationships improve, or those people may exit your life- what ever the end result – It will be for the best. In order for you to find inner peace and calmness you will need to let these relationships run their course and resolve themselves. 

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