Monday, December 26, 2016

Choices and Duality- How to make the right ones.

One last card reading before we say good bye to 2016. As we prepare for our “new year, new you” theme as most people do at the start of every year, lets take a look at some choices we need to make. Take a moment and look at something’s in your life and figure out what choices needed to be made. You don’t need to know all the details , but what are your options? Duality is a question of give and take and balance. Focus entering 2017 with more balance and less about the changes you want to make, you will find when you enter a state of mind of needing to bring balance in your life, all other things will fall into place and you will slowly achieve the changes for your highest good. I think this is where many people go wrong. They set up goals for themselves and they don’t do this with much thought- just “ I want to change ……..” but with change come confusion and its really hard to break old habits and that is why you want to seek balance first. Figure out what empowers you, so you can start eliminating those things that drain you.

When Your ready, Pick one card. These 4 cards will show you where you need to shift your focus for this upcoming New Year. For those of you who are learning about the cards, this is a great learning tool. I hope you enjoy!

Number Two Numerology and it’s significance in our lives: The number two energy is very calming. It brings harmony and balance into a reading. It also signifies a choice/decision that needs to be made. When a two arrives wither it’s in the Minor arcana or the High priestess Tarot Card or the Justice card- there is a need to balance one’s life. I use the 2’s today to help you achieve this because somewhere in your life, these 2’s will benefit your growth and their message will ring true to you as you enter 2017.
A personal note from my life: The twos can be balanced, or they can be indecisive going back and forth. This really hits close to home for me as I am a working Mother- I’m constantly juggling my life and seeking ways to regain balance when I’ve fallen off track. I know when I’m drained It’s because I allowed some part of my life to outweigh the other- it’s often work. I have found that entering this Terrrible 3’s stage of my youngest son, it has been my greatest challenge for 2016. Some days I want to work longer hours so I don’t have to come home and deal with it. But after realizing this, I really need to work less and give him more of my attention- not run from him.  I would not have seen this had it not been for my tarot cards. It has been such an amazing life coach for me and its guidance has never failed me- I wish to share my work with all of you because I believe whole heartedly it’s in healing.

           The arrivals of the 2’s is a sign you are possibly in need
 Of Balance. Your Angels will not fail you. 
Trust in their guidance and follow your Heart.

Your Answer’s revealed
Card one: Two of Wands – I really love this card, It depicts a man who is held in high regards holding a globe staring out into the ocean. He often reminds me that the world is our oyster! We totally have the power and ability to have what we wish to achieve and we are powerful. He looks away from us because he wants us to look outwards and go into the world and achieve what we wish.  With this card, I want to remind you all that success is totally possible for you. It is with in your reach- but you have to be patience. Waiting is the key here- it will arrive, but in time. So make the choice to follow your heart but don’t get upset if you don’t see instant results. It takes time, and don’t give up.   If you can’t decide on what it is that you want, get creative- The wands all are all about high energy and creativity, so during periods of your life where you feel stuck and stagnant- don’t sit around. Get active. Let your creative juices flow. This card can also be a reminder that you need to balance your life with others. Relationships are important, we need them for our own growth so don’t avoid them. The 2 of wands is a card about looking outwards on your life and seeing what you can improve- now is not the time to focus inwards. Don’t focus on “ what do I get from this choice” but ask yourself “ which decision is best for the whole picture”  I am a firm believer in doing what is best for you, and focusing on yourself first, but this card reminds us, that we need to pause on being selfish and do what we need to satisfy our outside world.  You will need to bite the bullet and just be the bigger person here.

Card two: Two of Cups – When I see this card, I often see relationships being formed. Most of the time it shows me things are going well and if they are not going well, it’s a good reminder that it is a minor issue that can be solved with cooperation.  When this card arrives it does bring a message that a choice needs to be made and its often you who will have to give in to accommodate the other person. This is not so bad because of the love and respect you have for that other person- you are willing to give more. This card is about giving and not taking.  You like this other people so your willing to do what you need to make them happy and you do this out of love. Remember, Sharing is caring. This is a very unselfish card- if you find you are being very stubborn its time you seek balance by giving.  Sometimes in a negative spread I can see a need to separate because the relationship is very unbalance where one person takes to much.   This card reminds us that we must connect with others on a soul level and it’s very intimate- it teaches us to be unselfish with our love because it requires that we give. This year I hosted Christmas knowing it was a very tough year for me and energy wise I knew it would be hard on me, but I did it anyways because I wanted to provide a great memory for my family. I went through a lot of trouble making the little details count and in return I had such a wonderful time. Preparation itself was exhausting but the end result was totally worth the work!

Card three: Two of Pentacles: The Juggling card- this card is very close to my heart because it reminds me of my struggle of being a working parent. I’m in this constant state of juggling and I know now it’s all a part of life. When this card arrives it is not a time to be so ingrained in the process and routine. Relax. Be flexible.  Sometimes you will drop the ball and that’s ok! Don’t beat yourself up, just pick it back up and try again. I can’t tell you enough how some days I forget about something important with my kids and I feel like a failure but I know tomorrow will be a new day and I can try again. I had to drop that ball several times before I finally learned what worked, so don’t beat yourself up if you can’t get it right away. Take your time and keep trying. Part of the choices of this card is learning what actions work and which ones don’t. You will be required to apply some logical thinking and planning here and that is what I did with my planner. I documented for a few weeks to see what work and what didn’t. When something isn’t work, set your emotions aside and focus on facts.  A fun learning tip for you guys learning tarot, looking at this card, if you look closely behind the man juggling, you will see that the water’s are unsettling, - water is a sign for our emotional state and this card shows that you will be entering rocky times which requires that you learn to juggle your responsibilities. In other words, now is not the time to quit or give up.  It is however a period where you must evaluate what things you can give up so you aren’t juggling so many things.

    Card four: Two of Swords – Look at this lady, notice how she is blind folded- are her eyes covered because she cannot see what choice to make or does she blind fold her self so she can’t be biased towards her decision? This card is a reminder that when we are faced with a dilemma, to follow our hearts and trust what we can’t see; trust what we feel.  Sometimes we don’t know what to do so we become stuck- we refuse to choose because we are torn between our heads vs our hearts so this card can often show anxiety- Anxiety stems from lack of action.  If you picked this card, you are currently at a point in your life where you are unable to decide what to do next, you may feel stuck, anxious and overwhelmed; maybe even trapped. My advice when ever this card presents itself  is to just do something, pick something- doesn’t matter- just close your eyes and the first option that pops in your head- just do it. Follow your heart. If you have others in your ear telling you what you need to do, this card tells you to close your eyes and zone them out. Learn to set boundaries that are healthy for you- this is your life, not theirs and you must base your decisions off of your own needs. 

I hope you enjoyed! If you find you are still at a cross roads needing more guidance, I have the perfect decisions spread, contact me for more information.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Messages to help ring in your New Year!

I wanted to pull some cards to help offer messages on things you can do today that will help you ring in your new year, I can't share with you all enough how excited I am to welcome 2017 and Buh-Bye 2016! (what a rough year- whew!)

Below are your cards revealed, I hope they hit close to home and offer you some great advice to help you get your juices flowing so you can create a wonderful 2017!

Card 1. Cleaning House
If you picked this card, I don't believe its by accident. Your angels are trying to send you a message that clutter clearing is in order. Its time for you to go through your things and clear out what you no longer need. You don't want to bring all this unnecessary stuff into 2017- LET GO my friends so  you can make room for more wonderful things.
   a. Clear your home and living space - toss things that you haven't touched in the last year. Let it go          so you can bring new things in.  Don't hold on to things hoping that " ONE DAY YOU MIGHT           NEED IT JUST IN CASE" No- let it go. More will come, Don't worry. If it has sentimental             value of course keep it, but display it. Don't lock it away some where.

 b. People - any relationships that are not for your highest good. Let it go. Have that one friend that just uses and abuses you? Its time to talk away. Relationships not working out- Take baby steps to gain confidence to move on. Have a problem that keeps you up at night- who is the source of that problem? its time you eliminate unnecessary stress.

c. Your Self : 2017 is a brand new and i know it sounds corny, but it really is going to a new year for a brand new you. To others it may not be, but you, especially you who picked this card- your way over due for a makeover so invest in yourself.

Card 2: Stuck in the Mud
Take some time today to re-evaluate your 2016.  I'm totally being serious, for those of you who have picked this card, maybe 2016 was a struggle for you, maybe more so then others because you probably have your goals set on things that really need to be re-evaluated. Your very wise and on a soul level, you know what you want, but this card shows me the ego has lead you into a direction that has caused you to hit a standstill - no growth, not movement- your stuck in a rut.  Its a time for you to stop and think what is for your highest good and re-direct those energies for 2017. Its going to be a fantastic year and I promise you it will get better! If you feel you need some direction, book a new year reading here- Its on sale now for $20

Card 3. Mountain
 Some of us want to learn the hard way and go uphills because we think that the struggle is part of the package. But, in life, there are times to where you can do that, and there are other times where you can you can take the long way around and pace yourself. Your still going to get to the top. The mountain card is bringing you advice that its ok to take your time. What are you in such a rush for? You have to climb this mountain, which signifies a challenging period in your life,  but you don't have to do it the hard way, take your time, go around, and enjoy the journey. Stop and take breaks to rest. If you are going through a rough period right now, stop and rest. Stop trying so hard to just keep going when there is plenty time.

Card 4. Rescue
 You are safe where you are, you may not know it now but you have spiritual support and your angels are protecting you. You just have to ask for help. If you find your lost or you feel like you've lost your way or you just need a little support, all you have to do is ask, be patience and you'll receive the guidance you need.

Card 5. Compass
This is a wonderful card to receive as we enter 2017, it brings a message that you are on the right path, even if you don't think you are. You are listening to your heart and following the choices that are for your highest good; you are following your path. High Five to you! good job!

I hope you enjoy this reading and feel free to connect with me on facebook.  Want to join my tribe, sign up for my newsletters. Each Month I try to send you relevant information and a card reading  here and there.

Strength Arch Type and its Message for our World

Card of the Day:  Strength and the World
When I plan my blog post, I usually pull a card and see what the angels have to show me and sometimes, they guide me to wait a few days and send me messages to confirm and support the information that they want me to deliver. I was channel flipping one day and I came across the movie “The Wizard of Oz” and a lightbulb hit- I totally get the message of the strength card, At the end of this message, I highly recommend you all go watch that movie as you will have a new understanding and appreciation for it. In the movie there is the cowardly lion who journeys with Dorthy because his hope is to meet the wizard and ask for Courage.        
                When I first started to learn how to read Tarot, I had a hard time understanding the lesson of the Strength card because my life at that time, totally contradicted its message. I was a young teen, full of frustration and anger. I didn’t have much Patience and I was a hot head. Even to this day I still get burst of frustration and lose my cool, ( I have a 3 year going through terrible 3’s. ) What the Strength card has taught me, is that we must learn to tame our animalistic side with gentleness. Be calm. Be patience. Looking at this card, the women symbolizes our feminine energy. The lion is an arch type of our animalistic nature. The Lion is confident, it’s courageous, its powerful- All traits that we each have with in. But, it is also Angry, Dominating and a Bully- Doesn’t all that sound like our egos? Don’t we all go through emotions just like that? Aren’t we all responsible for those things?  The lion in us tells us to take control of our lives and accept our own responsibility to how we act. The Lion is powerful, he is not a victim and he does not blame others for his failures.
                My message for you, and this lesson I hope you all can see, is that the strength card is teaching us we can overcome those bad traits. We can tame our Anger by being calm. We can be less Dominating and practice Patience. We can lead with power in a courageous way.  This is not about physical strength. It’s internal, it’s on a spiritual level. Be strong in mind, body and spirit.  If there is anything I can give that is gold it is this
Be calm when you are angry. Be silent when you want to yell.
Be a Lion amongst hyena’s, don’t become a hyena.

                The World Tarot is the final card in the journey.  It often comes at a time where you have mastered a challenging lesson and you can now move on. It’s a great card of completion but the journey does not end here. The book does not close, you are simply ready for the next chapter. Many of you will find that once you master the Strength card, your journey will change and life will take a turn for the better. New doors will open. Even right now as you guys are reading this your probably feeling like a shift is happening but your unclear as to what, you don’t really understand why you feel this way. Think about strength and see how it has unfolded in your life. Do you see how the upsets of this year have arised and what your role was to play? What did you learn,  I learned this year, that all the waves I rocked, were because of me- I was roaring when I should have been silent. I attacked, when I should have stayed still. It was a hard lesson, but I realized I needed to be humble. I can honestly say, I am glad to be finally closing my chapter on 2016.
                More about the World Card. In the Center if this card you see a women, she is wisdom, she dances with in a Wreath that is a symbol for the universe.  When I look at her, she speaks to me as if to say “ Its time to come home” The World card is all about us going back to where we started. Life is a big circle, we go round and round. It never ends. When one chapter is complete, we return to the starting point and the journey begins again- the only difference is that we are ready for new lessons, challenges and experiences. There truly is no end. In the four corners of this card you will see the 4 energies of the universe:  In Life we must harness the energy of all 4 items to create a wonderful life. We must find balance. We cannot master one without the other. 

If your learning tarot, here is a mini chart to help you understand the four corners of the World Card:

Quick Tip for the World
Angel/ Man
Air energy
“Power of Thought”
Water Energy
“Power of Emotion”
Earth Energy
“Power of Spirit”
Fire energy
“Power of Creativity”

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Russian Gypsy Oracle and My Own personal Reader

I'd love to introduce you all to a great reader. Her tool of trade instead of the tarot is the Russian Gypsy Oracle. These cards are notorious in the spiritual circle for being  insanely accurate.  She is an amazing reader with many years of experience under her belt. Every time she has done a reading for me, I was left WOW-ed.  Phenomenal experience every time and worth every penny.  From my understanding, each card contains a partial image and when pieced together they tell a story. It's a myriad of symbols and colors that takes a skilled hand to read.

Here are some Fun fact about the Russian Gypsy Oracle:

 Gypsy singing and fortune telling have been a staple in Russian entertainment since the 18th century. Born free to do anything, go anywhere and love anyone, they were highly sought after for weddings, where they mesmerised the guests with romance ballads and dance. These passionate and mysterious nomads inspired many poets who celebrated the freedom of spirit. Today, gypsies are an integral part of Russian culture and are widely recognized for their contribution to performing arts.  
In the past, men earned income seasonally by the means of blacksmithing and horse breeding. Women were the primary bread winners, relying mostly on fortune telling for income. The gypsy way is to get by with what you found, therefore ladies used anything they could get their hands on for divination. Contrary to popular belief, Tarot decks were almost never seen in Russian gypsy hands, as those cards were rare and pricey (although very popular in the West). Instead, gypsies used acquired knowledge of Tarot and applied it to a deck of regular cards, but didn't stop there. Many ladies opted to draw their own cards, using familiar symbols such as a Scythe for fate, a Bouquet for a gift, Rings for love, a Book for secret etc. A modern deck of Russian Gypsy Oracle is a fusion of an ancient Indian Oracle and Tarot of Lenormand. Other popular methods of divination were needles, coins, beans and of course, nature and superstition.  

Want to learn more about my reader?
 Her name is Tatiana and I came across her once upon a time when I myself was in search of the Oracle cards for my own collection. Unfortunately at that time, they were very difficult to come by and instead, spirit lead me to her wonderful work. The story behind these beautiful cards is that they don’t lie. How these cards unravel their story is fascinating to me and I’ve always enjoyed Tatiana’s reading’s.  If you’ve never heard of these, do yourself a favor and check it out. It’s absolutely fascinating, and you must try these at least once in your life.  As a professional reader myself, I don’t do my own readings. I do seek others and I will only recommend those who I think are great readers, so if you trust my work, I promise you she does not disappoint. Some people often ask why I don’t read for myself and my response is this, “Surgeons don’t perform their own surgeries.”

                If you are interested in booking a reading with Tatiana, you can do so through email. Her Russian Gyspy readings are $30 and for simplicity sake, she only accepts payment through Amazon E-Gift Cards. 

If your curious about her work and not quite ready to book a reading, no worries! Shoot her an email with any questions or Send Tatiana a hello!  She’ll love to hear from you! Want to learn more about her continue reading below.

                         A regular deck of playing cards was my first divination tool as well. I relied on a simplified deck of 36, omitting the jokers and all cards below 6. That was still a lot of interpretations to remember for a nine year old! While I showed improvement in guessing the cards during clairvoyant exercises, my ability to interpret them was rusty. I was determined to be better and remember going to the library for an hour every day after school. It wasn't until ten years later when I found out my paternal grandmother was popular for her fortune telling, while her husband had the ability to see the future. My father was skilled in hypnosis and my maternal grandmother was an unbeatable gambler. Needless to say, none of this pleased my mother because she desperately wished I grew up normal, so I understand her motivation for secrecy. 
                          My introduction to the Gypsy Oracle happened later that summer, during a holiday visit to my grandmother in Ukraine. My mother was pregnant with my brother who was due in fall so the timing of the visit was thoroughly planned. Not understanding Ukrainian also meant less TV time, so I was left to my own devices in the courtyard. Armed with a deck of playing cards and a walkman, I kept laying out a popular with schoolgirls "crush" solitaire, trying to will the cards to tell me what I want to hear. A teenage girl sat next to me and asked me what I was doing and when I said I wanted to see the future, she wanted to know why. I said I want to be able to make the right choice. She pulled out a thin deck of square cards with partial images on them and said it was the oldest cartomancy divination method that never lied. She laid them out in rows, then looked for matching halves. The reading predicted change in friends, sudden illness that forces me to take an unplanned trip, followed by good fortune.  Mother became suddenly ill a week after the reading, forcing us to return back home earlier than planned. She ended up delivering a healthy boy a month before due date. I did end up changing my group of friends and although it's not uncommon for kids my age, I obviously attributed that factor to the cards and was in love with their precise short-term future interpretations! 
                           Fast forward 22 years later, cards are still my favourite way to bond with people through entertainment. My reliable deck has always warned me when I was about to move (again!), receive winnings, fall ill or experience emotional upheaval. It predicted family reconciliations, love, periods of loneliness and deceit. In true gypsy fashion, the cards provided me with the freedom of choice and the possible outcome. The Russian Gypsy Fortune Telling Cards are the experience you want to make your own, because if you love card readings, you must have them. They taught me that the answers are within ourselves and that all we need is a nudge in right direction. As a Russian proverb states: "Forewarned means well-armed" and the only detriment of knowledge is the absence of surprise." 

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Patience, Persistence and the magic

Card of the Day:  SEVEN OF PENTACLES
                Lets take our minds off of daily right now and think about farming. Your probably thinking “ Ugh… Ok?” But the reason why I bring this up is because we live in an instant age, the age of technology, everything we ever need or want now is at the click of a finger.     When I talk about farming, I’m really talking about goal setting.  When you have a goal in mind, you have already planted that seed. You don’t instantly expect that plan to take root right? It takes time, you have to plant the seed, let it germinate, pull weeds, water it, give it sunlight and give it time.  But so often, and this is mainly due to the way our world works now, we expect instant results.
             When we don’t get instant results, we think it has failed and on to the next seed and goes on this vicious cycle of failure.  I work with many people in goal manifesting and the first thing that comes across very often is they tell me, they tried it before and it didn’t work so they gave up. Failure is good sign that you are on the right track, Failure gives us a formula to work on. If we don’t know what the recipe is, how can we improve it?
            Many people I come across will plant their seeds, they get impatience so they start pulling at the roots to early on to check if its growing and find that the seed fails. They don’t nurture it, they don’t pull weeds.  Part of this is a lack in understanding of the Law of Attraction.  People think if they “think great things” that’s all they need to do. Set it and forget it, but that is rarely successful.
                Ok, where are we going with all of this? My point is, If you want something, You must put effort into and give it time. Don’t be in such a rush all the time. The Seven of pentacles is an amazing card to get my point across today. Without Patience, and persistence…. There is no magic. If we give up , we never achieve the final product. Some people manifest things faster then others, does that mean they are more “lucky” I don’t think so. I think they’ve just had more practice. When I first started applying the law of attraction to my life, I didn’t see results for a very long time. Sometimes I even forgot about it. But, I never gave up and I kept trying. 


Today, I’ve realized that where I invest my energy, Success flows.

 But first, I have to show up, I have to be present. I can’t set it and forget it. I also want to note, I don’t set it and keep obsessing over it, which by the way is a different story)  The lesson of today's message, the 7 of Pentacles : We must be active in our lives, and we must work towards are goals. We have to be active participants.  Understand that our hard work, must also match our patience. Don’t be in a rush to get results because in time, your goals will reach their maturity and timing is everything. 

Just like a farmer, we must prep our soil (our foundation),
-plant the seeds (our goals)
- pull weeds ( negativity)
 With lots of water and sunlight (self nurture) 
-plus plenty of time ( patience)
We will have a full  bountiful harvest at the end of the season.

Need some help focusing on setting your goals or figuring out where to start?  Check out my 21 days to change, Week 2 assignment. You'll find its loaded with tips and you'll also get a free download that you can use to help get your goals going! ENJOY! 

Download here:

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