Thursday, December 1, 2016

Patience, Persistence and the magic

Card of the Day:  SEVEN OF PENTACLES
                Lets take our minds off of daily right now and think about farming. Your probably thinking “ Ugh… Ok?” But the reason why I bring this up is because we live in an instant age, the age of technology, everything we ever need or want now is at the click of a finger.     When I talk about farming, I’m really talking about goal setting.  When you have a goal in mind, you have already planted that seed. You don’t instantly expect that plan to take root right? It takes time, you have to plant the seed, let it germinate, pull weeds, water it, give it sunlight and give it time.  But so often, and this is mainly due to the way our world works now, we expect instant results.
             When we don’t get instant results, we think it has failed and on to the next seed and goes on this vicious cycle of failure.  I work with many people in goal manifesting and the first thing that comes across very often is they tell me, they tried it before and it didn’t work so they gave up. Failure is good sign that you are on the right track, Failure gives us a formula to work on. If we don’t know what the recipe is, how can we improve it?
            Many people I come across will plant their seeds, they get impatience so they start pulling at the roots to early on to check if its growing and find that the seed fails. They don’t nurture it, they don’t pull weeds.  Part of this is a lack in understanding of the Law of Attraction.  People think if they “think great things” that’s all they need to do. Set it and forget it, but that is rarely successful.
                Ok, where are we going with all of this? My point is, If you want something, You must put effort into and give it time. Don’t be in such a rush all the time. The Seven of pentacles is an amazing card to get my point across today. Without Patience, and persistence…. There is no magic. If we give up , we never achieve the final product. Some people manifest things faster then others, does that mean they are more “lucky” I don’t think so. I think they’ve just had more practice. When I first started applying the law of attraction to my life, I didn’t see results for a very long time. Sometimes I even forgot about it. But, I never gave up and I kept trying. 


Today, I’ve realized that where I invest my energy, Success flows.

 But first, I have to show up, I have to be present. I can’t set it and forget it. I also want to note, I don’t set it and keep obsessing over it, which by the way is a different story)  The lesson of today's message, the 7 of Pentacles : We must be active in our lives, and we must work towards are goals. We have to be active participants.  Understand that our hard work, must also match our patience. Don’t be in a rush to get results because in time, your goals will reach their maturity and timing is everything. 

Just like a farmer, we must prep our soil (our foundation),
-plant the seeds (our goals)
- pull weeds ( negativity)
 With lots of water and sunlight (self nurture) 
-plus plenty of time ( patience)
We will have a full  bountiful harvest at the end of the season.

Need some help focusing on setting your goals or figuring out where to start?  Check out my 21 days to change, Week 2 assignment. You'll find its loaded with tips and you'll also get a free download that you can use to help get your goals going! ENJOY! 

Download here:

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