Monday, December 19, 2016

Messages to help ring in your New Year!

I wanted to pull some cards to help offer messages on things you can do today that will help you ring in your new year, I can't share with you all enough how excited I am to welcome 2017 and Buh-Bye 2016! (what a rough year- whew!)

Below are your cards revealed, I hope they hit close to home and offer you some great advice to help you get your juices flowing so you can create a wonderful 2017!

Card 1. Cleaning House
If you picked this card, I don't believe its by accident. Your angels are trying to send you a message that clutter clearing is in order. Its time for you to go through your things and clear out what you no longer need. You don't want to bring all this unnecessary stuff into 2017- LET GO my friends so  you can make room for more wonderful things.
   a. Clear your home and living space - toss things that you haven't touched in the last year. Let it go          so you can bring new things in.  Don't hold on to things hoping that " ONE DAY YOU MIGHT           NEED IT JUST IN CASE" No- let it go. More will come, Don't worry. If it has sentimental             value of course keep it, but display it. Don't lock it away some where.

 b. People - any relationships that are not for your highest good. Let it go. Have that one friend that just uses and abuses you? Its time to talk away. Relationships not working out- Take baby steps to gain confidence to move on. Have a problem that keeps you up at night- who is the source of that problem? its time you eliminate unnecessary stress.

c. Your Self : 2017 is a brand new and i know it sounds corny, but it really is going to a new year for a brand new you. To others it may not be, but you, especially you who picked this card- your way over due for a makeover so invest in yourself.

Card 2: Stuck in the Mud
Take some time today to re-evaluate your 2016.  I'm totally being serious, for those of you who have picked this card, maybe 2016 was a struggle for you, maybe more so then others because you probably have your goals set on things that really need to be re-evaluated. Your very wise and on a soul level, you know what you want, but this card shows me the ego has lead you into a direction that has caused you to hit a standstill - no growth, not movement- your stuck in a rut.  Its a time for you to stop and think what is for your highest good and re-direct those energies for 2017. Its going to be a fantastic year and I promise you it will get better! If you feel you need some direction, book a new year reading here- Its on sale now for $20

Card 3. Mountain
 Some of us want to learn the hard way and go uphills because we think that the struggle is part of the package. But, in life, there are times to where you can do that, and there are other times where you can you can take the long way around and pace yourself. Your still going to get to the top. The mountain card is bringing you advice that its ok to take your time. What are you in such a rush for? You have to climb this mountain, which signifies a challenging period in your life,  but you don't have to do it the hard way, take your time, go around, and enjoy the journey. Stop and take breaks to rest. If you are going through a rough period right now, stop and rest. Stop trying so hard to just keep going when there is plenty time.

Card 4. Rescue
 You are safe where you are, you may not know it now but you have spiritual support and your angels are protecting you. You just have to ask for help. If you find your lost or you feel like you've lost your way or you just need a little support, all you have to do is ask, be patience and you'll receive the guidance you need.

Card 5. Compass
This is a wonderful card to receive as we enter 2017, it brings a message that you are on the right path, even if you don't think you are. You are listening to your heart and following the choices that are for your highest good; you are following your path. High Five to you! good job!

I hope you enjoy this reading and feel free to connect with me on facebook.  Want to join my tribe, sign up for my newsletters. Each Month I try to send you relevant information and a card reading  here and there.