Sunday, December 18, 2016

Russian Gypsy Oracle and My Own personal Reader

I'd love to introduce you all to a great reader. Her tool of trade instead of the tarot is the Russian Gypsy Oracle. These cards are notorious in the spiritual circle for being  insanely accurate.  She is an amazing reader with many years of experience under her belt. Every time she has done a reading for me, I was left WOW-ed.  Phenomenal experience every time and worth every penny.  From my understanding, each card contains a partial image and when pieced together they tell a story. It's a myriad of symbols and colors that takes a skilled hand to read.

Here are some Fun fact about the Russian Gypsy Oracle:

 Gypsy singing and fortune telling have been a staple in Russian entertainment since the 18th century. Born free to do anything, go anywhere and love anyone, they were highly sought after for weddings, where they mesmerised the guests with romance ballads and dance. These passionate and mysterious nomads inspired many poets who celebrated the freedom of spirit. Today, gypsies are an integral part of Russian culture and are widely recognized for their contribution to performing arts.  
In the past, men earned income seasonally by the means of blacksmithing and horse breeding. Women were the primary bread winners, relying mostly on fortune telling for income. The gypsy way is to get by with what you found, therefore ladies used anything they could get their hands on for divination. Contrary to popular belief, Tarot decks were almost never seen in Russian gypsy hands, as those cards were rare and pricey (although very popular in the West). Instead, gypsies used acquired knowledge of Tarot and applied it to a deck of regular cards, but didn't stop there. Many ladies opted to draw their own cards, using familiar symbols such as a Scythe for fate, a Bouquet for a gift, Rings for love, a Book for secret etc. A modern deck of Russian Gypsy Oracle is a fusion of an ancient Indian Oracle and Tarot of Lenormand. Other popular methods of divination were needles, coins, beans and of course, nature and superstition.  

Want to learn more about my reader?
 Her name is Tatiana and I came across her once upon a time when I myself was in search of the Oracle cards for my own collection. Unfortunately at that time, they were very difficult to come by and instead, spirit lead me to her wonderful work. The story behind these beautiful cards is that they don’t lie. How these cards unravel their story is fascinating to me and I’ve always enjoyed Tatiana’s reading’s.  If you’ve never heard of these, do yourself a favor and check it out. It’s absolutely fascinating, and you must try these at least once in your life.  As a professional reader myself, I don’t do my own readings. I do seek others and I will only recommend those who I think are great readers, so if you trust my work, I promise you she does not disappoint. Some people often ask why I don’t read for myself and my response is this, “Surgeons don’t perform their own surgeries.”

                If you are interested in booking a reading with Tatiana, you can do so through email. Her Russian Gyspy readings are $30 and for simplicity sake, she only accepts payment through Amazon E-Gift Cards. 

If your curious about her work and not quite ready to book a reading, no worries! Shoot her an email with any questions or Send Tatiana a hello!  She’ll love to hear from you! Want to learn more about her continue reading below.

                         A regular deck of playing cards was my first divination tool as well. I relied on a simplified deck of 36, omitting the jokers and all cards below 6. That was still a lot of interpretations to remember for a nine year old! While I showed improvement in guessing the cards during clairvoyant exercises, my ability to interpret them was rusty. I was determined to be better and remember going to the library for an hour every day after school. It wasn't until ten years later when I found out my paternal grandmother was popular for her fortune telling, while her husband had the ability to see the future. My father was skilled in hypnosis and my maternal grandmother was an unbeatable gambler. Needless to say, none of this pleased my mother because she desperately wished I grew up normal, so I understand her motivation for secrecy. 
                          My introduction to the Gypsy Oracle happened later that summer, during a holiday visit to my grandmother in Ukraine. My mother was pregnant with my brother who was due in fall so the timing of the visit was thoroughly planned. Not understanding Ukrainian also meant less TV time, so I was left to my own devices in the courtyard. Armed with a deck of playing cards and a walkman, I kept laying out a popular with schoolgirls "crush" solitaire, trying to will the cards to tell me what I want to hear. A teenage girl sat next to me and asked me what I was doing and when I said I wanted to see the future, she wanted to know why. I said I want to be able to make the right choice. She pulled out a thin deck of square cards with partial images on them and said it was the oldest cartomancy divination method that never lied. She laid them out in rows, then looked for matching halves. The reading predicted change in friends, sudden illness that forces me to take an unplanned trip, followed by good fortune.  Mother became suddenly ill a week after the reading, forcing us to return back home earlier than planned. She ended up delivering a healthy boy a month before due date. I did end up changing my group of friends and although it's not uncommon for kids my age, I obviously attributed that factor to the cards and was in love with their precise short-term future interpretations! 
                           Fast forward 22 years later, cards are still my favourite way to bond with people through entertainment. My reliable deck has always warned me when I was about to move (again!), receive winnings, fall ill or experience emotional upheaval. It predicted family reconciliations, love, periods of loneliness and deceit. In true gypsy fashion, the cards provided me with the freedom of choice and the possible outcome. The Russian Gypsy Fortune Telling Cards are the experience you want to make your own, because if you love card readings, you must have them. They taught me that the answers are within ourselves and that all we need is a nudge in right direction. As a Russian proverb states: "Forewarned means well-armed" and the only detriment of knowledge is the absence of surprise." 

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