Monday, December 19, 2016

Strength Arch Type and its Message for our World

Card of the Day:  Strength and the World
When I plan my blog post, I usually pull a card and see what the angels have to show me and sometimes, they guide me to wait a few days and send me messages to confirm and support the information that they want me to deliver. I was channel flipping one day and I came across the movie “The Wizard of Oz” and a lightbulb hit- I totally get the message of the strength card, At the end of this message, I highly recommend you all go watch that movie as you will have a new understanding and appreciation for it. In the movie there is the cowardly lion who journeys with Dorthy because his hope is to meet the wizard and ask for Courage.        
                When I first started to learn how to read Tarot, I had a hard time understanding the lesson of the Strength card because my life at that time, totally contradicted its message. I was a young teen, full of frustration and anger. I didn’t have much Patience and I was a hot head. Even to this day I still get burst of frustration and lose my cool, ( I have a 3 year going through terrible 3’s. ) What the Strength card has taught me, is that we must learn to tame our animalistic side with gentleness. Be calm. Be patience. Looking at this card, the women symbolizes our feminine energy. The lion is an arch type of our animalistic nature. The Lion is confident, it’s courageous, its powerful- All traits that we each have with in. But, it is also Angry, Dominating and a Bully- Doesn’t all that sound like our egos? Don’t we all go through emotions just like that? Aren’t we all responsible for those things?  The lion in us tells us to take control of our lives and accept our own responsibility to how we act. The Lion is powerful, he is not a victim and he does not blame others for his failures.
                My message for you, and this lesson I hope you all can see, is that the strength card is teaching us we can overcome those bad traits. We can tame our Anger by being calm. We can be less Dominating and practice Patience. We can lead with power in a courageous way.  This is not about physical strength. It’s internal, it’s on a spiritual level. Be strong in mind, body and spirit.  If there is anything I can give that is gold it is this
Be calm when you are angry. Be silent when you want to yell.
Be a Lion amongst hyena’s, don’t become a hyena.

                The World Tarot is the final card in the journey.  It often comes at a time where you have mastered a challenging lesson and you can now move on. It’s a great card of completion but the journey does not end here. The book does not close, you are simply ready for the next chapter. Many of you will find that once you master the Strength card, your journey will change and life will take a turn for the better. New doors will open. Even right now as you guys are reading this your probably feeling like a shift is happening but your unclear as to what, you don’t really understand why you feel this way. Think about strength and see how it has unfolded in your life. Do you see how the upsets of this year have arised and what your role was to play? What did you learn,  I learned this year, that all the waves I rocked, were because of me- I was roaring when I should have been silent. I attacked, when I should have stayed still. It was a hard lesson, but I realized I needed to be humble. I can honestly say, I am glad to be finally closing my chapter on 2016.
                More about the World Card. In the Center if this card you see a women, she is wisdom, she dances with in a Wreath that is a symbol for the universe.  When I look at her, she speaks to me as if to say “ Its time to come home” The World card is all about us going back to where we started. Life is a big circle, we go round and round. It never ends. When one chapter is complete, we return to the starting point and the journey begins again- the only difference is that we are ready for new lessons, challenges and experiences. There truly is no end. In the four corners of this card you will see the 4 energies of the universe:  In Life we must harness the energy of all 4 items to create a wonderful life. We must find balance. We cannot master one without the other. 

If your learning tarot, here is a mini chart to help you understand the four corners of the World Card:

Quick Tip for the World
Angel/ Man
Air energy
“Power of Thought”
Water Energy
“Power of Emotion”
Earth Energy
“Power of Spirit”
Fire energy
“Power of Creativity”

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your message, Cyndee. This was indeed a rough year. I hope that my lessons were learned and all that turmoil was not for naught!
